It took me thirty minutes to get the point across, for me to get the words out. I didnt say it but I got the point across that i didnt want to be a girl, that I am indeed a guy. I got the point across that my love has no boundaries. My brother didnt show up. My dad did.
Honestly my dad probably thinks that my friend, Casie, is my girlfriend now because she showed up and supported me and then I hungout with her after and spent the night with her. I also spent today with her. She's not my girlfriend however. She basically my sister.
My dad took it well. He said things like "you're still my kid" and "this doesn't affect my life, not as much as it affects yours." I haven't been home too long to see if he calls me Benjamin, which is indeed my name.
My brother should be getting told by Casie sometime soon. He's the unpredictable one so wish my luck.Thank you for reading this and be safe.
I'll update when he finds out.

My Transman Journal (FTM)
Ficción GeneralThis is just a journal of my trans journey. 💙