Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

~Tris POV~

I groan and try to run in front of him but he just keeps on following me. "Could you just get out of here?!" I yell, He slows down and I sigh in relief. I look back and see that he's a couple yards behind me. I smile and turn my head to look at the track; well I turned it a little too late because there's a big stick in the middle of the track.

My foot gets caught on it and I fall. My ankle twists and my palms hit the hard track gravel. My face then hits the gravel, since my palms hit the ground first my face didn't hit the ground that hard but it still hurt. I start to sit up and groan in pain. My ankle is about the size of a baseball.

The students run to me but Four is the first one to get to me. "are you ok?" he asks bending down, I start to stand up but he puts his hand on my shoulder and pushes me back down, "don't stand on it, you could break it more," he mutters. Why of all people do Four have to be the one to help me? Coach Amar is the second one to come to me.

"Tris!" he says, "How did you fall on a stick, your one of my best runners!" I shrug, "I wasn't paying attention," I glare at Four. He chuckles to himself. By now the rest of the class is crowded around me. "Four, you’re the strongest here, carry her to the nurse," Coach says, I groan, "can I just walk?" Coach Amar shakes his head.

"You will break it for sure," he says, he lifts his hand and puts it on my ankle, I cry out in pain. The pain hurts, bad, almost worse than I've ever felt. I feel the tears well up in my eyes but I hold them back, I can't cry in front of my gym class.

"Can't Caleb just take her, he's her brother!" Four argues, "No, he couldn't carry a dead squirrel, you carry her or I'll fail you!" Coach yells, I sigh, there's no getting out of this.

~Tobias POV~

I have to carry Tris down to the nurses office because she being the dumb person she is, tripped on a stick and I think she broke her foot but it just looks sorta swollen, maybe the so he of a golf ball, probably smaller.

"Can't Caleb just take her, he's her brother!" I argue, "no, he couldn't carry a dead squirrel, you carry her or I'll fail you!" Coach yells, I sigh and walk over to Tris. I scoop her tiny body in my hands, she's actually pretty light. I feel this tingly in my skin, it's actually a good feeling. Its probably because I hate Tris so much.

I walk into the school but we have a couple minutes before we get to the nurses office.

When I turn a corner Tris screams in pain, "Son of a bitch!" she yells, "what?!" I ask, "you just ran my foot into the wall!" I smirk and she punches my arm. She has a pretty good punch for a girl. "So I guess this gets you back for tripping me," I say, she glares at me, "ya, now I have to get you back for running my foot into the wall!" she says, I grin and run to another wall, "FOUR!" she yells, I laugh and stop.

"I swear to God if you run into another wall I'm going to kill you!" she says, "were here anyway," I say, I walk through the doors and the nurse immediately gets up, "what happened?!" She asks, "this idiot tripped on a stick and it looks like she broke her foot," I say, Tris glares at me.

"Ok, take her in there," the nurse says and points to the sick room. I walk over to the room and set her on the bed. "Well.." I say, "what?" She asks, "aren't you going to say thank you?" I ask, she scoffs, "Ya, thanks for sidetracking me and making me trip on the stick. Oh and thanks for running my foot into the wall too." I smile and walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" the nurse asks, "back to class, I just had to take her   here," I say, "You go in that room and stay with her, be a gentleman," the nurse scolds me, I groan, "but she's a bitch!" I say, "now your going in there whether you like it or not!" the nurse shouts, "not," I mutter, "GO!" I walk back in the room.

"What are you doing here?" Tris asks, "the nurse made me," I say, "why would she do that?!" She asks, "how would I know, I'm not the nurse!" I say, she mutters something under her breath. I just sit in the seat in the sick room while Tris plays with her hair.

The nurse walks in the room and talks to Tris. "does this hurt?" the nurse asks as she puts her hand in the swollen part of Tris' foot, Tris screams in pain, "yes!" she says, the nurse touches other parts of her foot and Tris either whimpers, grinds her teeth, or screams in pain. She makes it look so painful, yet she hasn't cried once.

I have to admit Tris is pretty brave, but I still hate her.

"Ok you definitely broke or fractured your foot," the nurse says, Tris groans, "but soccer try-outs are next week!"  "I'm sorry but you will have to miss them, unless I'm wrong and you just sprained your foot badly, but I'm pretty sure you broke it. Well I'm going to call your mom and have her pick you up, she should take you to the doctor and have it checked out,"

"Thanks," Tris mutters, the nurse walks out to call Tris' parents. "Well I'm just going to go now," I say, Tris just nods her head slightly. I feel the urge to go over to the bed and comfort her but I can't, no, I won't.

(A/N) Ya Tris broke her foot.... really sorry I haven't updated this weekend!! I had a soccer tournament, the Canton Cup, which we won first place in our division for. (and I got a header in the goal!!)

Any who I'll try to update soon. Oh and thanks for all the reads and votes!!


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