Chapter three a new life with new friends

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It's been four years since me and cupa got married and started our new life together. things always go well here. we get a few a zombie attacks but very little and now here happy together.

Nathan.....cupa where are you guys? said andr. hmm...a pickaxe...."flash back"cx next time you guys wanna have sex leave a god dam pickaxe so I don't walk into that. "andr blushes" ok gess ill talk to them latter and leave those two love birds be. as andr walks away and thinks about how much has changed over the last four years.

man four years already funny it only seems like yesterday I was standing right here about to marry them. "sighs" and to think I came to be friends with a human...gess even the most stubborn mobs like me can change. "as she walks out side" the sun is so bright today not a monster in sight so peaceful and quiet all you can here is the waves of the sea.

much better than our old house. where we were attached almost every day. "laughs" like this one time Nathan was collecting wood and stone for this dream house. he was coming back to check up on us and this zombie came out of nowhere and tore all of his close he killed it warring nothing but his shirt and beat up underwear.  hahaha!  what's so funny? I said. omg put some pants on hahaha! ! huh!?! ahhhhh!!!!!.

man you should of seen cupa's face redder them Redstone and lava combined. but still we had some dark times to. when nathan was sleeping and me and cupa where outside and talking and getting breakfast. till we saw all those zombies and skeletons. it was amazing though he fought off half an army trying to protect us. then he was shot with two arrows one in his arm and one in his back.

The arrows where where deep and he was out for two days straight. cupa was right by his side never leaving him till he woke up. funny things where silent when he was out of it but still why? soon as he woke up cupa my dearest and close friend hugged him never letting go...till he told us about moving to a new house we where all happy till he noticed we where being watched.

it was like a dream watching him fight all of thoses strange skeletons by himself. till his wounds took affect and he was about to die...till cupa grabbed his armor and smashed all of them to tiny bones except for that regular skeleton who was smashed into a tree. nathan and cupa where fighting like little kids till that arrow got her in the back. as she fell I could see the life leave her eyes. the rage and power that filled his entire body holding her lifeless body in his arms. but the way he finished the skeleton was brutal but still he loves her and that skeleton got what was coming to him.

months later I married them and we lived every day to the fullest: hiking up a mountain, bonfires, swimming well for then I was at the beach sun batting. till now a lot has truly changed.

Hay andr up here breakfast is ready said cupa. ok....0////////0 CUPA WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING WHERE'S YOU HOODIE AT AND YOU SHORTS!!!!! hmm? ahhhhh omg sorry, sorry, sorry!!! as she ran back into her room. sigh gess things will never change with her (-_-;).

hay andr. hay nathan what's for breakfast? baked eggs and and fried fish. mmmmm sounds so tasty " as andrs mouth watered"

"door opens" morning love hope you don't mind that im cooking for you girls today? no no not at all said cupa. haha hi andr. she said softly with a blushing face. hay cupa hope you found your close? 0////0 yeah yeah yeah


ummm..what does she mean by that cupa? ahhhummm....ahhumm nothing nothing it's just a little inside joke between us girls thats all ahahaha..... (._.;). umm..ok ill pretend you two had a normal morning. yeah if that includes your wife standing at your guy's balcony butt naked. "cupa grabs andrs mouth putting her in a headlock". SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!! galop helllp cant breath!!! wait what you where naked talking to andr umm..why o.o?

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