chapter six spindle the spider queen the truth comes out

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spindle!? in the flesh my dear friend cupa. wait before we continue this conversation >:( will you two put some close on! sorry andr it's been a while since me and nathan did this give me nate a second ok? make it quick will you? ok will be out soon "closes door" who's spindle? she's the spider queen a outlasted god from noch and the rest "zips up hoodie" really how'd that happen? "puts on pants" no one knows how but I do no she is like a regular spider but she still likes to be called queen so watch out. ok "puts on shirt" so should I watch out for her? well im not sure but do not drink any thing she offers you trust me you'll be knocked out. I'm starting to wonder if your friends are trying to kill me. haha don't worry my love will be together forever so how do I look for her majesty? like my beautiful wife now let's go see our guest. so Cindy it's been a while how's your life going on since you got disowned from your own race! its been good spindle so tell me you miss being with the God's how's notch been? awww sorry your just another spider. you talk to much you bag of bones why don't you say it to my face. bring it spider "pulls out bow" wowo hay now no need to kill each other where all friends here. yeah no need for another dead person here. fine you win this time bag of bones "sits down" so tell me andr what's up with you and the human zombie....yeabi

nice to meet you your majesty. why thank you so tell me you two are in a relationship yes?

yeah we are "holds andrs hand" yeabi "blushes" so you two are going out?  yeah me and her "both blush" so what about you Cindy where's the love in your life huh ow im sorry you just shot them all down with your devil's shadow bow. shut your slime dripping mouth I don't date mail skeletons there just a bunch of fools just like you spindle. really then why don't we take this outside then? with pleasure I'll mark your grave! hay now where gone for two minutes to see you guys wanna kill each other. yeah spindle will you two just stop it already you to have been going at it for years now just wait till you guys are somewhere else. fine anything for my dear friend cupa and her kind husband. I swear your such a suck up spindle. Both of you stop "slams sword into table" ok ok will stop....'such power he just might help me and end this for good...." now tell me spindle what brings you two our lovely home. well I heard the news of a bog time warrior taking out a bunch of mobs messing with the order of things. at first it was a group of zombies and skeletons taken out all at once by a human then two days later it was four wither skeletons and one regular skeleton taken out by the same person so I was a bit impressed months later word got out of a creeper getting married to the same human who toom out mobs for fun then and that an endermen married them then the faces of the most wanted people where shown and I couldn't believe it when I saw cupa and andr on there. soon as miss im ganna get back in my race by taking them out saw it she got fifty skeletons that where still loyal to her and went to war. then the who world found out that they where wiped out by you there running away and avoiding you people. only a dream witch apposed you. a dream witch! yeah days later they founf him dead with q gaping whole in his head. nathan you did that to him. yeah I had no choice he threatened our family now he paid the price. well now here we are taking about it.

so what's wrong now well the world got out that I was banished there out for blood they kill a god they become a god and now the endermen and creeper and skeleton race are after me now you guy's. what  now! yes they think its time they end it all in one final battle. what? yes its all true but....why is there always a war always gotta be after us. because of the love you and cupa have between each other it's a forbidden love. But it's a love that's all that matters "sobs" I watched nathan fight and the cuts and pass outs broken ribs is proof enough! spindle is there a way to stop this war yes there is actually. what well tell us web eater!! shut it Cindy. please continue. the only way to stop this war from coming is to kill you! "pulls out knife" what are you doing! "pulls out bow" put the bow away cindy. but. now I got this. now you no and I no this won't end well for you now put the knife away and sit down and tell me the real way to stop this war. find "puts knife away"  you have to lay low for a while stop killing mobs lower your bounty or you can go straight to war and kill all and it will be the end of all wars your choice.

give me a week and I'll have my decision for you. ok but what am I supposed to do till then stay here and enjoy the separation. for what? well I just got out of a coma and made love to my beautiful wife im throwing a bonfire tonight so stick around for a while ok. well fine I will. bonfire yeah already got food and wood and drinks so come on till tonight. "all say fine"

-Time sun down-

Bring on the drinks! yeah serve me up with this crazy human! hold up you two. come on two shots for me and my endr friend here. so spindle how's things been with you lately. fine cupa I've been treated with respect by my spider race and im still there goddess to them what about you?As you can tell I have a party good time husband who I love and will die for. I see that so what will you two do? What do you mean? well it's obvious that you two will want to live on your own soon wgen this is all over. yeah we will but what about them andr cindy yeabi? What about them? well where family and we don't want to leave each other and what about yeabi andr? well it's obvious that they both want to live together forever. yeah it does doesn't it. but you husband is keeping those two from sealing the deal with each other. yeah I'll go get him. so andr I didn't know you party this hard. yeah Im a monster hahaha "hic" had enough human?  no im fine. hay nathan "hugs arm with a playful smile one eye closed and her tongue sticking out' cone dance with me. cupa you no I can't dance I suck at it.

Natedog: for the record I can't dance in real life I just can't it's two hard how do you dance?

come on pleasessssssss ok ok ok. yayyyy! go on andr seal the Deel. ok I will. You say something cupa nope now just stair in my eyes and just follow my lead one..two...three... so yeabi I didn't know you where so good at mixing drinks. yeah I was a pro when I was alive. like that see your getting it nathan hugs cupa while dancing im happy your in my life. look at this those two happy as can be....I....want us to be like that....what do you mean yeabiii! "kisses andr pulling her into some bushes" so spider bag of no we could end this right now. yeah I could or we could be friends like we used to. back then me and you spindle where. yeah lets be friends forever ok "bolth hug"

yeabi what's gotten into you? I love you and I want to show you how much I do love you. yeabi.....I....don't talk just let our bodies do the talking.....ok

so nathan. hmmm? I was thinking when this is all over we live on our own like we did when we first met just me and you. but what about the rest? they'll live on there own two yeabi and andr will live together. and from the looks of it cindy and spindle are best of friends now. but what about this house? you mean all of our vacation house. I like it kisses cupa. it will be nice to live just us.yeah. so what will you say In one week. We'll lay low for a month and let things die down for a bit and we split go our separate ways and live together but I still have to think about it ok. but for now we party. yeah speaking of party who do those two thing there fooling hidden in the bushes. leave them there showing how much there love is leave them be for the night ill have my answer in a week we'll live every day to the fullest till then. I love you cupa for ever and ever and ever. be continued

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