Chapter 7 - Cover

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Kyler pov

"why are you taking her? The one did that should take responsibility. He didn't even apologize." Silis roar on me.

She broadcast her hatred when Choel about to take Tarnisha to the clinic.

"You take her." She oder me and shoot one deathly glare.

I just stay silent. I feel guilty. I hear her groan in pain in the toilet when Choel go out to take her thing. She trying hard to withstand the pain by shuting her eyes offen. Her hand pale.

"I'll take her." I speak

Tarnisha widen her eyes as I walk closer and hold her arm. Choel let go of her as I already there to support her.

"There is clicnic few shop after this. Go."

"Thanks Choel and Silis. I'll see you guys later." Tarnisha bid them good bye as we exit the cafe.

She hurt her palm but why is she limping. She is draging her right leg to walk and sometimes she shrink her eyes bearing the pain.

"Why are you limping?" I ask because of my curiousity.

She turn to me with her cold sweaty face then she force a smile. "Just hit my leg when I fall."

I open the clinic door for her and she sit imediately and straightening her right leg. I go to the counter then return and sit beside her.

"I'm sorry." Finally I say it.

"Its fine Kyler. Its not you fault. I slip." She force a smile again.

"You push me on my limits. I ignore you but you keep disturbing me."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Lucky you didn't hurt that bad."


She shut her eyes again and press on her right leg. She sweating heavily.

"You really don't ---"

"Let me be your friend Kyler?" She speak with her eyes close.

I knew she want to reach me that badly. She even claim me on our first meeting. But she don't have  good impresion on me. She just keep getting on my nerve with her annoying persistent action.

"Why you want to reach me that badly. I don't even know you. No.. you don't even know me." I yell a little.

She just shut her eyes. "I care for you Kyler. I don't like the way you are now. You are destroying yourself."

"Don't talk like you know me." I almost shout on her.

"You miss lunch again Kyler."

I just want to snap on her. I want to release all my hatred and disapoitment. Before I could reply her the nurse call and she go inside the doctor room.

I don't know how long did I wait. But when she step out from the doctor room with bandage on her hand, she fix her gaze on me.

"You still here?"

I frown. "Should I go now?"

"No no.. I mean.. yeah. I think you can go. Thank a lot." I can see the disapointment flash in her eyes when she say that.

"You fine now. I'm going." I turn and ascape from there.

As I walking to my car I have this weird strange feeling surround me. I feel like I just abandon sick kitten to live on its own. I'm debating with myself either to leave or pick her.

After I start my car I still can't bring myself to leave. In the end I slam my dashboard, turn off the engine and go back to her.

"Did you talk to him?" I listen to Tarnisha and choel conversation

She still in the clinic. Choel sit beside her caress her painful palm.

"A little. " She have smile on her face.

"I bet you must be in cloud nine right now." Choel chuckle.

"Don't judge me." She smack Choel hand lightly with her other hand. Then she shut her eyes again. Why she keep doing that. Its weird.

"That stupid Randall. How could he hurt a musician arm. Can you still play the piano. You didn't lost you ability right?"

I just feel this piercing pain in my heart. I feel guilty even more. She's a musician. And a musician should never hurt their arm, hand or fingers.

"Funny Choel. I play guitar. Not piano."

"Isn't that worse. How can you press the chord with that painful fingers. It must be really hurt."

"Correction. I press with my left finger. Its not serious. Stop over reacting."

Tarnishan open her eyes and turn to Choel. She smile ensuring she fine.

"I told you don't blame Kyler. He didn't mean that. If you want someone to blame, you can blame on me"

Choel looks at her disbelief. "Yeah blame on you.

"Yes just blame on me."

"Blame on your obsession with that stupid Kyler Randall." Choel smirks.

"Don't curse my husband to be."

"Last time you said he's your boyfriend and how can after he pushes you, you promoted him the title husband to be. Dream on girl." Choel just provoke her more.

I walk with heavy step returning to my car. She cover for me again. Its the third time. What should I do with that persistent crazy sick women.

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