Chapter 15 - Tricks

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Kyler pov

"Just great Randall. You make her leave." Choel sarcastic.

"What. I didn't do anything." I defend myself.

"That the point. Didn't do anything. Can't you be a little clever. Even your presence alone effected her." She roars again.

How the hell did I know she is here hang out with them. I call Austin cause I'm passing this area and we meet up. Its not my fault.

"Let him Cho. Its pointless knocking sense to a prick.. a stone." Deemia really heartless. No wonder Diocles having hard times with her.

My eyes widen and I almost snap on her. Why are they teaming on me. "You guys doesn't make sense. This is not my fault."

"Yeah..cause inviting her to a club and got her alcohol poisioning was not by you." Deemia just slices me the 2nd times.

I turn in horror and disbelief. She speak confidently in her indifferent attitude really amaze me. She is chewing lazily.

"Excuse me..!! I did not invite her to the club." I roar. The air turn tense and awkward.

"Yeah. You did not. You just said sure." She face me and slice me the third time.

"Stop it guys. Don't be childish." Choel speak firmly as she put down her cup.

"As you wish Cho." Deemia back off and continue whatever she's doing.

I turn to Choel. "I didn't invite her." I emphasize that.

"Ok.. ok.. you win."

"She ask if she could come. I just say sure. Then she come. That's all. I didn't even offer her a drink." I don't know why I'm explaning things to them.

"She likes you Randall. That why she try to reach you." Choel answer.

"I know.. I know.. Its obvious." This talk start getting irritating. I sigh harshly cause she still get in my nerve.

"Poor Nisha..crush on this heartless man." Deemia butt in again with her extraordinary comment.

Austin pat my shoulder lightly as I lean back to the chair. I look back at him and frown.

"Give her a chance." Austin encourage me.

I sigh again. "What does she want from me."

"Idiot.. she want you off cause. She want the Kyler Randall."

"Yeah.. why does she want me?" I ask again.

"She likes you."

"I'm not getting in another relationship. I still hope for my ex. I still love her." I blurt out my hope. I still not giving up on my ex.

"Poor Nisha.. her 10 years crush still bound by his ex."

I imediately look at Deemia. "I only know her like 6 months."

"And she had known you like 10 years."

"Don't speak nonsense." I hiss harsly.

There is no way she known me for 10 years. 10 years is from I'm ni senior year. I don't remember her at all. There's no way I know her.

"Its true Randall. She always watch you from far. She collect your article, watch all your interview, sometimes she sent you fan give and letters." Choel add.

I look at them disbelief. Choel wound't lie but this is hard to believe. I don't remember seeing Tarnisha before my company aniversary. But again she the crazy sick stalker so it posible.

"I still don't like her." I block their influence before they can keep brain wash me. Choel sigh heavily and Deemia turn sour.

"Fine..keep on hating her and I wish she give up on you." Deemia hiss badly.

"Oh..Nis still around here. She's at the bus stop." Choel voice raise as she look at her phone and then she smirks at me. "Its up too you Randall..give her a chance or she'll give up on you.

Its true Deemia is a badass but Choel is the tricky one. Her smirks definitely got hidden meaning. I feel like she actually telling me to ignore it but at the same times she press the right button to move me.

"Now I hate you." I hiss on Choel.

"Don't hiss on my wife." Austin defend Choel lovely.

I stand and exit the cafe with Choel and Deemia laughing behind my back. I can't believe I follow their stupid game. I walk straight to the bus stop and see Tarnisha sit there with her earphone. I walk closer and find her with her eyes close.

Seeing her weak, sick and tired soften my heart and I sigh a big one. Her eyes slowly watering and when she open them tears stream down her cheek.

"You break your promise Kyler. You lie." I hear her wisper as she cry silently.

"I didn't promise you anything." I speak and she trun to me instantly.

"Kyler..!!" She yell after seeing me. "Seriously. Kyler..! Kyler..!! Kyler..!!!"

"Ouuch..stop shouting." I hiss.

Her yell attract people around us. Some start wispering seeing her in tears. She stand imediately and wipes her tears then face me again. This is awkward.

"Why are you here?" She ask sweetly although her voice crack and trembling.

"Er.. Choel.. she told me..I mean she ask me to check on you." I lie. I hope its not that obvious.

"How did she knew I'm here?"

"You text her." I answer.

"I didn't."

She frown and I frown along. That tricky Choel. She tricks me. My face turn red then Tarnisha laugh a second. I'm glad she laugh.

"She tricks you." She grin.

"Yeah. She tricks me." I smile for her for the first time.

I'm upset getting trick by Choel but I'm glad she tricks me. Austin was right. Giving her a chance doesn't sound bad at all. Maybe.. lets be friend.

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