❝through the night❞

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EPIGRAPH ❁❝we fall in love   with people  we can't have

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we fall in love
  with people 
we can't have.❞



he was a father of three; a very good looking man with a deep soulful voice. he was kind, and generous too. he has a warming smile even though his gazes were piercing.

I could fall in love every time I see him. I know I shouldn't but as days passed by, my heart grew weak for him.

however, it was one sided love— depressingly my feeling was refused by his own, due to fear that he kept and his true love for his late wife.

I promised that it wasn't my fault for falling— being a teacher of his daughter was hard; she kept telling me about his stressful days alone, cooking, playing and working.

he needed a help and I honestly could give everything to him— I could stay by his side as we could build a family together. he needed love.

I wish I could pour it all out to him— but I just knew that I'd be ignored.

he didn't know that I could see the pain in his eyes that was twinkling for me to see.

❝ms kim, are you okay?❞ asked the little girl I cherished the most, hanbyul. ❝oh? are you crying, ms kim?❞ she worriedly asked before she walked forward to wipe my tears.

she needed care from a mother, the love from a mother. he didn't see it, that I am willing to do anything just for his children. a mother.

I cupped her cheeks with my palm. ❝no, I was just yawning,❞ I answered while caressing her hair.

❝ms kim, I have a ballet show tomorrow. I don't think my dad will come—❞ she did a little pout while blinking her eyes, ❝can you see me instead?❞

how could I say no? I nodded my head, ❝of course I'll go.❞ I showed her my picky finger as I made an oath to come.

she grinned with her eyes slowly disappearing into a smile. then she gave me the warmest hug that anyone could ever give. ❝I love you, ms kim. if only you're my mother,❞ she whispered.





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this story is simply mine, hence any resemblance is pure coincidental. please do not plagiarise or steal a piece of my works, as I will report and block you. mind you, if my english is too low for your standard, you may leave or politely point out my mistakes. thank you.



hello! ♥
so this story happens before the book my everything. and after my man. if you guys haven't read it the trilogy of Jungkook's fanfictions, please spend a little time to read it if you like to, because it'll tell you about the death of kim taehyung's wife.


hope you guys enjoyed! I probably won't update tomorrow because I might babysit my nephew, but I'll try my best at the noon! ♥

thank you so much for reading, please leave some comments below about your thoughts of the book!


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