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I smiled alone as I hugged my knees on the ground covered with meadow. I was facing my dad's gravestone; I placed a beautiful supermarket flower.

“I know I don't visit you often; sometimes I just can't bring myself here. remembering your death—” I stopped talking when my throat was hurting. I had been swallowing my tears that was bottled up.

the sight of his dead body on the balcony was hurtful; a poignant nightmare for me. i had sleepless nights, worrying about my mum, the killer and my brother.

his body was lying on the floor balcony with a puddle of his own blood beneath him. the visible knife was still intact on his heart.

I tightly shut my eyes, tears that were held, slowly streaming down. my mind played the event again; I felt my stomach burning even if the wind was blowing.

“your dad will flip out if he sees you in this condition!” she tightly gripped my arm, preventing me from walking.

she was right; dad would flip out. he would cry. he would meet the school principal. and I'd feel bad. for seeing him in pain. I'd cry, the thought of hurting his heart would kill me.

“let's go to my house first, I'll try to cover your bruises and those purple marks!” her was voice so loud but I didn't know my ears were like covered as every sounds were fading. “doyeon–ah! at least, let's change your shirt first.”

I flicked my eyes to her, slowly nodding my head. for at least, he didn't have to see my expensive uniform school ripped and covered with blood and dirt.

she brought me to her house, quickly she ran to take her oversized t–shirt that I always wear after being beatened. she also handed me her favourite skirt. “I'm sorry I couldn't stop them,” she breathed out.

“you idiot, you shouldn't be my friend,” I touched the little bruise on her face, “look what they did to the rich girl.” she slapped my hand away as she glared furiously. “I should go now—”

“let me go with you!”

as much as I wanted her to be by my side, I couldn't bring her to my house. I didn't want her to see the sight of my brother.

so I shook my head. “I'm fine,” I smiled to assure her. “and um, can you buy me a new uniform? I promise to pay you back.”

“what kind of friend am I? I'll buy anything for you without you paying! just promise me to be safe.”

I promised. of course i did. but that doesn't mean I kept that promise. I ran to my house, noticed how awfully quiet it was— how painful it seemed like.

it felt hollow. the house was dark and nothing was louder than my own heartbeat. I took a broom with me; incase if my brother showed up.

I knew something was wrong. I felt it. I sensed it and even if the house looked untouched, as I expected, the balcony door was left opened.

“yah, kim dojeon! come out if you're here!” I shouted out loud but I received nothing but a sight of a dead body, lying on the balcony floor. “dad? are you there?”

I walked closer to the balcony. however, until I saw the face of the corpse. I dropped the broom and with faith I tried to believe that he might still breathe.

I couldn't contain my tears, and as I stepped a little more closer, I saw the knife on his heart. and blood that didn't stop flowing.

reluctantly, I took out my phone and dialled for the police station. they asked me what happened as soon they answered my call.

I took a long deep breath. “I found,” I covered my mouth before my voice went hoarse. “my dad lying on the floor— with blood,” I slowly said.

“can you check his pulse—?”

“he got stabbed at the heart. do you even think he'll survive? can you just come here fast?!”

i was crying harder than the day mum was sent to prison. I felt thousands more pained than before.

“okay, please calm down. and whatever you do, please do not touch your dad.”

an effortless scoff came out from my lips, “they asked me to not touch you. are they stupid? how can I not touch my own father?!” i sobbed harder.

I remembered dropping down the floor as soon I hung up the phone. I remembered crawling next to my bloody father. I remembered crying my self out without any mercy. I remembered hugging my dead father.

“I wish to turn back time,” I whispered, hugging my knees even tighter. “before his nymphomania made him a psycho.”

the face of my mum crying would always made me weak. “I love you dad, always— happy father's day.”

I bit my lower lips as I calmed myself down. I stared at his gravestone. I forced a smile as I tried to reminisce our great loving moments, the time only the four of us without any problems.

my brother who was still kindhearted. my brother who was still my brother. I missed him. nothing could stop my feeling from missing him. but I was scared.

“dojeon is still out there, unfounded by the police,” I said— fear suddenly engulfed me. his lurking eyes that were always piercing my soul; the way he smirked cunningly. I was disgusted by his every action toward me. “that monster is still out there, dad. save me...”

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chapter six — done! ♥

do you think she'll meet her brother again?! will she be okay?! who do you think stabbed her father?! and why did her mother got into prison?!

hope you guys enjoyed! ♥ thank you so much for reading! please leave comments too!


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