Truth or Dare

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I wake up the next day and hurry to get ready because they are posting the volleyball roster on the front doors today. I get up and run to the bathroom to get ready. I put on a tight t-shirt and a pair of super skinny jeans. I don't like wearing a lot of makeup so I just put on foundation, mascara, and a little bit of blush. I run downstairs after I curled my hair. I grabbed a muffin and ran to my car.

I got to school within 10 minutes and see Chris, Shauna, Marlene, Lynn, Zeke, Uriah, Will and four outside standing around in a group. I run up and surprise them by jumping in the middle of the group. After everyone gets over my amazing entrance( note the sarcasm) we all go check the list to see if our name is on it. All of us girls made varsity along with Alissa, Callie, Bailee, Anna Kate and Grace. Someone comes up behind me and whispers "look who made varsity" I turn around after the warm air leaves my neck and see it was four. Ahhh I really like him but he would never date anyone like me , ugly, shapeless and small. Christina is snapping her fingers in front of my face which takes me out of my trace.

"Hey are you ok?" Christina asks

"Yeah in fine"

"Ok we were wondering if thou wanted to come over to Zeke and uriah's house for truth or dare?"

"Sure that would be awesome! what time and where do you live?" I ask zeke

"Oh don't worry I'll take you, be ready by 5 because I'm going to pick out your clothes, do your hair and your makeup." Christina says

"ok but we better got to class, we only have 5 more minutes." I say

"Ok" everyone says


( To when Christina comes over)

I hear a knock on my door and Christina is standing there with many black bags holding outfits, a makeup bag and a bag with hair things like a straightener and a curler. I let her in and take the makeup bag from her and lead her up to my room. She places the bags on my bed. She tells me to sit on the chair in my bathroom so she can do my hair and makeup. After she is finished I don't look like tris the shapeless, small and ugly girl. I actually look pretty. I'm wearing a tight black and gold strapless dress that comes to about mid thigh with black 5 inch heals and Christina is wearing a short black sequined dress that come to about mid thigh that is so tight that she can hardly breath( exaggeration) with some black 6 inch heals. I told her to keep my makeup minimal but she put foundation, blush, eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner, but I look good Christina did the same makeup as she did on me to her but changing the color of the foundation and blush to match her skin tone.

Once we are ready we hop in my Ferrari and head to Zeke and Uriah's house. We get there, we park then walk inside. There house is huge! there is 3 stories just like mine and 6 bedrooms. Me and Christina are greeted by Shauna Marlene and Lynn coming over and saying how good we look. After a little while Zeke gets up on the table and announces

"Anyone who is not in my groups get out!"

Most if the people leave an the only people left are me, Christina, Shauna, Marlene, Lynn, Will, Zeke, Uriah and Four. We all sit in a circle and begin playing truth or dare. Uriah yells "I'm going first" so he looks around and says "tris truth or dare?"

I look around and say "dare"

Uriah has a mischievous look on his face and says " I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Four!"

I get a little nervous but I grab his hand and lead him to Zekes room and he says

"We don't have to do anything if you don-" I cut him off with my lips on his. He is a little surprised but then kisses back. It turns into a full blown make out fest until The gang runs into the room and we pull apart. They start wiggling there eyebrows at four and slapping his back along with the girls screaming that me and four kissed but me and him are as red as tomatoes.

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