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This is the first fanfic I have posted and the second I've written. Please correct any mistakes I've made, and please leave constructive criticism. Tell me if it sounds dumb, please.


He'd killed him. The person he loved most and he killed him. Standing there Suzaku knew that he had to stay relatively calm, considering the fact he was taking up the identity of Zero, Lelouch's creation, former leader of the black knights, a hero to the Japanese. Lelouch had been his best friend since they were kids, and he'd just killed him.

"Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero!" The crowd cheered at him, while behind the mask he wept uncontrollably. It was a good thing he was atop a royal parade float of sorts because the crowd was so far away they couldn't see him shaking. This was the plan they had discussed, the Zero Requiem. Lelouch was to end all wars by focusing all the world's hatred on himself, then Suzaku was to kill him as Zero eliminating the threat and bringing peace.

He dropped the bloody sword on the ground and called out, “Lelouch Vi Britannia, the demon Emperor, has been struck down with his own blade, now a new world shall arise from the ruins of the old one! For here and now, the demon has fallen.”

Suzaku was holding onto his composure by his fingernails. However, as he watched on, Lelouch's little sister Nunnally was screaming at Lelouch that all she needed for a perfect world was him. His heart broke in two. But he watched on silent to the world, with his heart slowly shattering with every cheer shouted for him.

However, something that was not part of the plan suddenly came into motion. A woman, with a flat chest and a slightly rounded stomach, had been watching from a building due west of the float which was traveling north. She leaped gracefully, farther than even Suzaku could, and that's saying something. She landed on the parade float, and, because she was closer, Suzaku could make out her face.

She looked like Lelouch! But with hair the color of red-gold flames. Aside from the hair and a few other more woman-like facial features, They could have been twins! What surprised everyone even more, is that she was dressed in traditional Japanese clothing, a kimono, decorated with flowers the colors of flames. A brilliant array of oranges, blues, golds, silvers, greens, and reds. The crowd had gone silent, they stared at her. Once she was sure every camera and all eyes were on her, she spoke, her voice bouncing off every surface, echoing throughout the parade route.

"Lelouch Vi Britannia, son of Charles and Marianne, half-brother to many, brother to Nunnally and Phoenix Vi Britannia, uncle to Rolo Lamperouge Vi Britannia, I forbid you to die."

"I don't know what nonsense you're spouting, but I don't know a Phoenix Vi Britannia, I have only one sister, Nunnally, and I'm not even related to Rolo." He said all this weakly, but with spite as if he refused to be told things he didn't believe at the time of his death. "Also, I've tried ordering a dying person to live, it doesn't work."

"There's a lot of things Charles kept from you, Lelouch. Also, I can order you to live, and I have." With that, she turned up to Suzaku, "Zero, your true wish, within your heart, has been granted." Suzaku simply stared.

"What are you babbling about?"

"Why your wish deep within your heart. Regarding my brother, and you." Behind the mask, Suzaku's mouth was agape, could she know how he felt? "I know the true you, behind the mask, and you are a lover and a faithful person, you're nothing like him, but, in the end, I suppose that's what makes it so perfect."

She raised her hand, exactly as Lelouch had done many times as Zero, and snapped, a mirror image of Lelouch. At the sound of the snap, reverberating throughout the area, reaching all ears, two cloaked figures climbed onto the float from below. One next to Nunnally, and one behind Zero. The cloaked figure beside Nunnally picked her up gently and calmed her with gentle words, spoken in a whisper, then turned to Phoenix for orders. Phoenix, however, was looking straight at Suzaku, who was facing his masked man with ferocity. Suzaku was about to land a blow, when Phoenix, quick as lightning, raced up the float and blocked it, simply with the side of her hand.

"Mr. Kururugi," she whispered. "It would be best to come quietly." Suzaku gasped, how could she identify him? He aimed a blow at her head and she dodged easily. They got into a sort of dancing fight, Suzaku throwing blows, Phoenix dodging easily and throwing light hits of her own, which were only weak compared to what she could truly do, and striking Suzaku every time. Left, right, swing, jump, duck. This was how it went for a few minutes. Then, everyone watched on as the woman, so quick, got behind Suzaku and put a portable injection needle up to his neck. She pressed the button and Suzaku immediately passed out because of the strong narcotic within the needle. The hooded figure who was originally behind Suzaku took his limp body from Phoenix. Phoenix then walked back to Lelouch and lifted him into her arms, staring at him for a moment, before angling her head to signal the others. Once the military realized what was going on, they rushed the float, the public followed. However, Phoenix tapped her foot on the float and a burst of red smoke enveloped them, seconds after, bursting into flames. The flames lasted only for a few seconds, when they cleared, the six people had disappeared.


Leave suggestions in the comments if you want to, I'm not gonna tell you what to do.


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