The Black Knights' Ace

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As Kallen piloted the Guren, several thoughts were running through her head. The most prominent one, What will I do if I find Lelouch dead? What will I do if I find him ALIVE? What if I don't find him at all, would that be for the best?
Just then a side-screen in the Guren flared to life, as well as millions of screens across Britannia. Upon the screen was an image of a white, red, and gold version of Zero's mask, with two MVS's crossed behind it. What on earth? The screen stayed on the mask image but a voice sounded stopping Kallen's train of thought.
"Attention all Black Knights, Britannian Citizens, and UFN members. You need not worry for the former emperor Lelouch. He is going to have a meeting for some others very soon, he hopes you will all attend. This includes; Orange Boy, Valletta Nu, Kaname Ohgi, Kallen Stadtfeld Kozuki, Kaguya Sumeragi, Lady Tianzi, Li Xingke, Milly Ashford, Rivalz Cardemonde, Schneizel El Britannia, Cornelia Li Britannia, Gilbert P. Guilford, C.C., Shinichirō Tamaki, Diethard Ried, Gino Weinberg, and Anya Alstreim. Also, the rest of the royal siblings are welcomed to come back home, by decree of the new Empress." At that, all the screens across Britannia went back to normal.
"WHAT!? The new EMPRESS!? Who could that be? Maybe the woman who talked... but, who was she." Kallen flipped on the communicator in the Guren. "Trace that signal and send me the coordinates directly. Don't tell them to anyone else."
"Understood, Ms. Kozuki." came the reply.
"Thanks," she said. Now, she thought. Now I'll finally find you, Lelouch.
Meanwhile, back in Pendragon, Phoenix was cooking their dinner. As it had been all day and she could tell they were hungry. She was making a Japanese style dinner. She was halfway through when Lelouch walked in.
"Let me help," he said. "I have to do something for you, even if it's just helping."
"I already said it, you don't owe me anything."
"Alright, but I still want to help."
"Fine, just don't overdo it you still need to heal you know. I honestly don't know if you should be standing right now."
"Alright! I'll take it easy, just don't put me back in that bed. I hate being useless."
"You can start by rolling the pork over there in the breadcrumbs and frying them. I need to go get some noodles."
"Alright!" Lelouch said.
As Phoenix went to a storage pantry Lelouch cooked. Phoenix retrieved the noodles, however, as she was walking, a note fell out of her pocket. She didn't notice, however, and simply walked on.
Later, as Suzaku and Nunnally were walking to dinner Suzaku picked up a note off the floor. The note read,

In loving memory of all the lives lost in the War of Lelouch. Namely, Euphemia Li Britannia, Shirley Fenette, Clovis La Britannia, The Four Holy Swords, Nagisa Chiba, Shōgo Asahina, Ryōga Senba, Kōsetsu Urabe, Mao, Shin Hyuga Shaing, Charles Di Britannia, Marianne Vi Britannia, Genbu Kururugi, and V.V. They shall all be missed by those who loved them. Those who didn't know them will remember them as tyrants, heroes, victims, lovers, mothers, fathers, friends. But those who truly knew them, they are the only ones who will truly remember them for everything that they were. The gentler side of tyrants, the cruel side of heroes, the hurtful sides of a friend, the murderer within the victim, the hateful side of the lover. Only the people who knew them best will ever, truly, remember everything that they were. As long as we hold them close in our hearts, they never truly leave. But, even so, they watch over us, they will protect us, and they will guide us. Whether that is for better or worse, only time will tell. But one thing is for sure, they may be gone, but their legacy still remains. To inspire us, to urge us to do something more. To all, whether you be Japanese, German, Chinese, European, Euro-Britannian, French, Indian, or Australian, let others guide you, let their stories help you to do something more. Their stories built the past so that you could build the future. So I implore you, try. Rank has nothing to do with the impact you can make, on others, and on yourself. Like heroes, show caring to all, no matter their race.
-Phoenix Vi Britannia

Suzaku read the note and had tears in his eyes. Remembering how he felt about Euphie and Shirley. "What is it Suzaku?" Nunnally cut into his thoughts with the question. He showed her the note and she too cried. Then they continued on to the dining room for dinner.
Please leave suggestions in the comments, tell me if it is boring, or repetitive.

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