Chapter One

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When Joey was four, he was in a tragic car accident that left his mother dead and him permanently injured. A broken piece of window sliced his vocal chords, leaving the boy forever mute. Ever since the accident, his life was altered, and not for the better. His father grew distant and unresponsive, and Joey was left with no voice. Joey has had nightmares ever since the accident, he could hear the screeching of the tires, the feeling of glass shards splintering his skin. After multiple therapy sessions, he was diagnosed with PTSD. Every day he bikes to school, rain, snow or shine, not wanting to get into another car. He sits in the back of the class with his head down in a book. Being the mute boy has its disadvantages. No one cares to know him or try talking to him. Leaving Joey alone completely. 

When he would communicate...the little times he had.....he would write down his responses on a piece of paper. Some jocks once mocked him for being mute, but soon gave up after realizing that they weren't getting to him. Nothing could get to him. You would think even the teachers would call on him when taking attendance, but no. The teachers never call on Joey, they don't even notice his existence. Why? Not even Joey knows. He can't control his silence, unless the teachers can reverse time and keep Joey's mother from dying then maybe Joey would speak.

Joey has learned to take care of himself, he has a job at the nearest Barnes and Noble. He's the best employee there since he can't spread gossip or talk back to any customer or other employees. Joey's boss gives him raises at the end of each month because he got to know Joey, he knows about his past. Well, not everything. He just knows his mother had passed away. He thinks Joey is selectively mute. Joey's boss gives him money to get groceries, a new bike when necessary, some new clothes etc. Joey loves his job, it's quiet, pays extremely well, and he can sometimes take breaks so he can read a book he found interesting.

One thing Joey hates about his job is having to go home after. He hates that he can't work all day and all night. But sadly, he has to go home to a quiet house, a house filled with dark memories and an unresponsive father. Joey walks in through the back door like always and goes to the living room where he finds his father watching a muted football game on television. Waving, Joey walks up to his room, slamming the door behind him. Something that keeps Joey from going insane was his music. Joey had also taught himself to play piano, so he had purchased a keyboard for his room. Jumping on his bed, Joey puts in his earbuds, listening to Louis's new song. He knew no one would bother him, so he blared his music through his earbuds.

Joey woke up from a loud crash outside, it was thundering. Joey rolled his eyes and looked at the alarm, he still had an hour, but there was no way he could go back to sleep now. Getting dressed, Joey looked at himself in the mirror, rubbing off the layers of concealer, he frowns as he sees the scar from his surgery on his neck, his fingers tracing the red line. Sighing, he put the makeup back on his neck. Joey left for school early, knowing it's gonna take a while with the storm. Locking his bike to a lamppost, Joey walked to the doors. Shuffling his feet on the rug, Joey walked to the cafeteria. Flipping up his hood, Joey opened a book, continuing the story.

"Um excuse me?" Joey's head snapped up, there stood a boy Joey has never seen before. "Hi, um, I hate to be that guy but you're sitting in my spot" Joey looked at him curiously, writing 'no, I always sit here' the boy frowns, looking over his shoulder, an elongated "ohh" breaking the awkward silence. Looking back at Joey, the boy apologizes and walked over to a table filled with other people. Joey shakes his head and looks down at his paper, ripping out the sheet of paper that he had written on. The first bell rings,  Joey walks to his first period. Waving to the teacher, Joey frowns as she doesn't even look up from her paper. Sitting in the backseat, Joey stares at the door as he sees the same boy from the cafeteria walk through with his two friends. Their eyes lock, they hold their gaze until the other boy was pulled by his friends.

After seven bells, Joey ran to his bike. As he's unlocking it, he hears a voice from behind him "hi" looking up, Joey freezes. "So um, I saw you looking at me in first period. And I'd just like to say, can you stop? It's kind of weirding me out considering your silent" Joey's eyes widened, shoving his lock into his backpack. Flipping off the rude boy, Joey bikes off.

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