Chapter Two

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On his way home, the words that the popular boy said to him, repeated in his head. Joey wasn't staring at him, he was just looking at the door when it opened, everyone does it. So what if they made eye contact, that's not his problem. But all populars are the same to Joey, they're bullies, whether they want you to believe it or not. Hopping off his bike, Joey walks through the back door, noticing his father's car in the driveway.  Quietly walking up the stairs, Joey stops as he hears his father talking to someone on the phone. "Of course I miss my wife, every day! I just wish I didn't have to live with someone mute like my son, he's a distraction and a nuisance yet he can't talk! Why do I get stuck with the mute boy? His hospital bills are expensive! I mean, he doesn't go to the hospital anymore but that doesn't mean I'm finished paying them, God this kid is a waste! Why didn't he die in the car with my wife?" 

Joey froze, his father hates him? Stepping on a stair, a loud creak is heard all throughout the quiet house "oh shit he's home. See! I didn't know he was home! Normal kids greet their parents, this kid has to make a noise!" Joey frowned, running upstairs. He waited fifteen minutes before running downstairs, flipping off his father, not that he saw. Getting on his bike, Joey pedaled to his job, tears fleeting down his face, flying back in the wind. His father wanted him to die in that car? Just because he can't speak it doesn't mean he's not human, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have human emotions. Parking in the back of the building, Joey enters through the employee entrance, going straight to his boss's office. "Ah hello, Mr. Graceffa! How can I help you?" Pointing at his notebook, his boss hands him a piece of paper and a pen. "Do you think I'm a nuisance?" Handing back the paper, Joey anxiously waits for a response. 

He watches as his boss's eyes scan the paper "oh no! Of course, I don't! I don't mind that you're quiet, it's quite a change from all the noises kids make in the play area." Joey smiled a little, but it didn't change the sadness he felt after what his father had said to whoever was on the phone. His boss noticed his sad demeanor "whoever said you were an annoyance is a liar Joey, your silence is more of a relief than an irritation." Joey nods, mouthing a 'thank you' before walking out to his station. Putting in his earbuds, Joey smiles as he slips novels in the bookshelves in alphabetical order. Someone tapped Joey on the shoulder, sighing, he stood up, taking out an earbud. "Hi" Joey froze, turning around. The boy from school was standing behind him, Joey glared at the boy. "Oh, it's you" Joey nods, taking his phone from his pocket, typing "what do you want? I'm keeping my distance like you said" the boy frowns "I'm sorry for what I said, I'm Daniel." 

Joey shakes his head "you can't just apologize and think I'll believe you" Daniel's frown deepens "what will it take for you to believe me?" Turning his back to Daniel, Joey puts his earbuds back in, refocusing on his job. This boy was more stubborn than Daniel had thought. He reached his hand out again, but he retracted it, nothing was going to work. 

As Joey was working, his boss came up to him, tapping him on his shoulder. "Hello, Joseph! I need you to work the front desk" Joey's eyes widened, the boss could sense his anxiety "don't worry, I'll put up a text to speech tab for you" Joey nods, relieved. Following his boss to the front desk, Joey could feel impatience radiating off of the customers. Opening a tab with text to speech, Joey's boss patted him on the back "I'll be right here the whole time okay?" Joey nods, ushering the first customer over. 

Joey loves working at the front desk. Sure, some customers were pissed off that a mute boy was assisting them, others were happy just to be done shopping. His boss had left him after the fourth customer, happy that his silent employee was doing so well. Now that he was able to work at the front desk and in the back shelving books, Joey developed a stronger love for his job. As he was packing up, his boss walked up to him "Mr. Graceffa, there's a boy who has been sitting in the cafe just staring at you. Can you escort him out please?" Joey nods, waving goodbye to the man. Walking over to the cafe, Joey stopped in his tracks, an elongated breath leaving him as he sees Daniel sitting at one of the tables closest to the exit. Daniel noticed him, standing up and waving "hey!" Joey walked over, grabbing his arm and yanking him to the front doors, throwing him outside. 

Joey was deeply resenting the fact that he has to go back home to the man who has made it known that he does not want Joey. He parks his bike in the same place as always, walking over to the back door. However, on the deck, there were three boxes filled with Joey's things. On one of the boxes, there was a note. 

Have fun being homeless! - Dad

Joey frowned, tears filling his eyes. taking the boxes, Joey walked back to his bike. Joey tied the boxes to his bike with the lock he uses, pedaling to the center of town. Placing his things down in an alleyway, Joey pulls his jacket tighter against him, shivering harshly. 

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