Head Over Feet

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The finger brushing my hair behind my ear caused me to stir, I rolled over into the pillow and fought to stay wrapped up in the cottony wool that I was shrouded in. The dream I'd been having was full of waves and hymns and green eyes and strumming guitars.

A nut hit my ear and I groaned to see my dream boy come to life with a mischievous smile pulling up the left side of his mouth. He was less illusory like in real life.

"Wake" new nut, "up" this one hit my forehead.

"Go away," I groaned and threw a nut back at him.

"Nope!" He fucking giggled and jumped into the bed beside me, straddling my chest and pulling back the duvet that I had burrowed under. "You have been asleep since I got back. I watched a movie, ate and face timed my mum. I wanna talk to you and I'm sick of waiting."

"Fuck off, Harry," I groaned, "I'm jet lagged."

"I know, but you need to get on a good schedule, so really I've done you a huge favor by waking you up. Now you'll be able to get up and entertain me until real bed time, then we can sleep and get up in time to go to the venue." He was mentally patting himself on the back. I could practically see it, but he'd woken me up sufficiently. I wasn't going back to sleep and I'd been excited about more than just his bed, the most important part of which was that he was in it with me. I looked up then and realized I was in bed, braless, in a tank top of questionable thickness, and he was sitting on me. My cheeks colored and i looked up at Harry. He seemed to realize how smooshed together our juicy bits were and he retreated.

"I figured that you might by hungry," he slithered off the bed. "You want the usual?"

"Yeah," I couldn't help but grin at him, I had a usual, and he knew it well enough to order it for me.

He grinned back and I held my breath with him when he looked at me with indecision in his eyes before he leaned down and kissed my forehead. My eyes closed with the press of his lips to the dome of my forehead.  He pulled back his head and ran his hand to cup my jaw. "I'm glad you are here."

The heat under my skin singed the tips of my hair, "me too," I ducked my chin and looked askance.

I heard him on the phone while I walked to the bathroom. I caught sight of myself in the mirror and felt a bit like becoming a turtle. There had to be a helpful shell or even a rock to pull myself into or under. My back pack was stashed just outside the door. I grabbed it and made myself presentable after peeing. 

Harry's huge fist made an impression on the door, or at least it sounded like it.

"Did you fall in?" I could hear his pride at the horrible joke. "Food will be here soon, come on! I wanna show you something." He sounded excited, and though it was against my better judgement, I quitted the bathroom in my sleep clothes and sans bra.  He was waiting excitedly outside the bathroom.

"Alright, asshat, what?" In response he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the living area. He had a bottle of wine open and the TV set up with "the Pricess Bride" cued up. "Oh!" I delighted, and turns to him, tippy toes extended to make up for our height difference, and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love this movie," I said into his shoulder. He tucked his head into my neck and nuzzled before lifting me off the ground slightly.

"I know." He Held me for another moment before gently setting me back on my feet and pulling back slowly. Harry held my gaze until the door bell went. By the time he got back from helping the server set up, I had regained control of my blush and set up the first chapter. I watched him slip the guy a tip and understood his keycard sleight of hand. The ease of the latter irked me a bit despite myself. How many keys had he slipped covertly into eager hands. As much as I tried to assure myself that that was not my circus or monkeys, I was jealous of any girl's who may have gotten that golden ticket, and got to lay their grasping hands on him. I told myself I got more, but I was realizing I wanted that too.

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