Emergency Exit

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I never wore the ear muffs. I didn't mind heading from whatever place we were hitting hard and fast before sleeping or loading onto a bus with fuzzy ears. I loved the music and the sound of the screams. Even the ones of my brother's name. Really, I loved the energy of the tens of thousands of girls who came out to see them.

When it was Harry's name they were chanting my feelings were so paradoxical you could call me Oscar Wilde, the only thing i couldn't resist was temptation. And Harry looked bloody tempting. The volume seemed to agree with me. It was so loud, the screams so deafening and ecstatic, that I was wearing ear muffs, so that when I went back to the hotel, with the man making everybody scream, I could hear his.

The paradox was while It irked me to hear so many rapturous voices call his name, it thrilled me too. Made me feel like my alter ego, who Harry had named Harmony. Outwardly sexy and daring, and smug. Smug that he was mine. It turned me on that he could set a huge room to a simmer. I was aware that many of these girls would happily go home with any of the boys at the drop of a hat, or a belt, but that Harry was the one they hollered for, fantasized for, but I was the one who got to undo him, in every way, had me boiling.

In Phoenix that night, it was on a whole other level. He'd forgotten his precious head-scarf at the hotel. If I thought unwinding it for his was a rapture, I wasn't prepared for the rhapsody playing before me.

"Leave it, H!" I d assured him for the dozenth time.

"It's a weird length," he complained again.

I wasn't sure there was a strong enough way for me to disagree verbally, so I decided to show him that actions were louder than words. I walked over to him and ran my palm up the back of his neck and into the collected curls creating his shoulder. I gripped the flowing chestnut mane and turned him to me. I'd been the instigator by this point, but perhaps not the aggressor, but the way he looked inspired me. Once o had his head at an angle that approached favorable, I pressed my mouth to his and immediately swiped my tongue against his fuller bottom lip. He gasped at my uncharacteristic move and it gave me time and opportunity to press deeper and wetter into him. I licked over his tongue and flicked his upper lip as I pulled away before biting his bottom lip.

He looked at me breathless with blown pupils. "It's not a weird length." I put my other hand into the mop of curls and pulled lightly and a little harder when he moaned. I pressed to his ear. "It's pretty."

"Pretty?" He wanted to look offended, but he knew he was a pretty specimen.

"Pretty, hot, sexy," I ran my hand over his shoulder and chest and hooked my hands into the waistband of his blue jeans where they met the thin white shirt he wore. "Like I can't wait until we get back to our room tonight."

The twenty minutes till stage had already been sounded, but my words lit Harry's wick and the house fire I'd started was too far gone to control. His hands found the backs of my thighs and he hooked me up his hips and pivoted to drop me onto the vanity top. We weren't even in a room, anyone could walk in, but his fingers were already pushing my pants to the side and I had his belt open.

The kiss I'd lifted off of him had done its job for both of us. I wondered if Harry was half hard all the time, except when he had just finished. It was how I always found him. I was not always wet, but I was a light switch in his presence. Slow gravel in his words, turned on, finger trail over my skin, "Melody." spoken in the right tone. All of these things were as easy as flicking on a water faucet.

This situation hit a couple of buttons I wasn't even aware of. Gemma was here, along with the whole touring company. The idea of Harry's big sister walking in on his taking me in the open was the fear ringing in my head and bringing shivers to my skin, the temptation I couldn't resist.

"I think you started something by fucking me at your mum's house."

He slid to a stop when his hips hit the wood top on a grunt and I whined, "what did I start now?' He pulled down my bottom lip with his fingers and licked into my open mouth. His hands found my hips and pulled me to balance on the ledge of the countertop. It rattled underneath us. The edge dug into the flesh of my ass and I knew there would be a red line there. It let him get deeper into me, to meet my end, which was nearly all of him. So I traded the discomfort for the sensation.

My head fell back on my neck when he gave me a rough one.


"Hmmmm," I moaned and heard him chuckle.

"What did I start?" he pulled my chin back to parallel so he could see me.

I blushed, which was hilarious because he was balls deep in me. "Apparently," I ducked my chin, "I like the idea of getting caught."

His left check quirked and I slapped his face a little then squicked when I heard someone call his name.

Harry didn't stop, but I wasn't there anymore. The idea of capture was much more alluring than the reality.

I realized it was a security guard, Tom, maybe and that he was getting closer. I planted my feet on harry's hip and yanked back my own pushing harry out of me.

He gave me a look like I'd taken candy from him, the big baby. He was standing between my legs, the both of us panting and the heavy footfalls were upon us. Harry righted my dress and zipped up.

"How am I supposed to go out there like this?" He looked to the sky for an answer, but I had one ready for him.

I leaned into his ear, "You use it....All the energy and give them a great show." Then I pulled back and gave him my own smile fit for a cat full of cream. "And you remember that I'm all over you so i can have all the energy that's left over. Change your shirt." I pulled it over his head. "Go."

He took off running, promising he was ready, even as he was shirtless and had red marks on his neck. I sat on the vanity top and breathed until I was brave enough to look into the mirror. My hair was a bit of a mess, though I didn't really recall him touching it and I was less mussed than I felt. My arm hair was still standing on end though and my dress felt heavy pressed to my tingly skin.

Maybe that's why I needed the ear muffs that night. Everything was heightened for me. My senses stayed on alert, like they knew he wasn't finished with me. That made me smile. Harry wasn't finished with me, and I wasn't nearly done with him. Since that first taste, I was fairly certain I hoped we never reached the end of our shared path.

Things were better, he had had a full few days off and he'd slept and his optimism filled us both with helium as we floated high on what we had and ignored the things we didn't.

And we still had time. Two more months of tour and Harry had convinced me to spend a few weeks together in London and we were making plans for Christmas. We were going to spend Christmas together! Maybe! I bit my lip and made my way side stage. Harry always called me angel, but that is what he looked like with his cascade of curls. An angel in fitted blue jeans with a devil smile and plans for me.

We made plans that night in bed.

"So, I figured that maybe you can stay with me, at my house in London. If you want to you can even stay through Christmas. I think I have some business in LA." He yawned into my hair. "But you can come with me."

"How are you still awake, H? You should get some sleep." How did I tell him there was no way I could extend my time away from Australia for a full two months and that it would break my mother's heart if I missed Christmas entirely, after being away for months on end. I loved him, and I wanted to be with him, but I missed my family. We would just have to talk about it after he had got a goods night rest.

"No, I don't wanna sleep." He whined like he did when he was beyond exhausted or tipsy. I tuned over to him.

"I can hear you are tired, baby." he sighed and buried his head in my neck.

"It's just been such a good day. Feel better than I have in ages, and I miss talking to you."

"I'll be here in the morning," I promised.

But I wasn't. My brother called me about some hair crisis.

"I told you, no bleach without me!" I whined while I picked at his straw like hair. I was gonna have to go borrow shears from Lou to fix this mess.

"Whatever, this is basically the only way to get you out of Styles' bed." Michael complained and I caught more than bitching in his voice.

"so," I responded. Texting Lou to head over. "He is my boyfriend." I reminded watching the three grey dots appear.

"Yeah, Stench, we know, we all know. Can't miss the way you two are always pawing at each other." He scoffed.

"What? Like it's better that you are always wrapped around some girl who is as disposable as the condom you use!" I don't know why what he was saying was bothering me. I thought he was on board the Helly train, or at least he was ok with it.

"Oh, like your boyfriend used to do!" He looked at me with the venom only a sibling can have. Like he wished me dead and I was his worst enemy at this moment, but probably not tomorrow.

"Used to do. Operative phrase! Fuck you, Mick-fix your own shit." and I turned to leave.

"I give him a month when you are back in Aus to be looking for Victoria's Secret. Tiger's Stripes, and Leopard's Spots!" He called after me while I passed a bewildered Lou in the hall.

Stomping back to mine and Harry's room. I walked in in a huff and saw him sitting at the breakfast I'd ordered him when I left to come around when he needed to be up. I hoped he had thrown on some boxers, but I guessed not, because he had on a robe, which meant he was naked. And as much as I usually loved naked HArry, the idea of anybody, event he bloody room service, seeing him naked but me was pissing me off.

"So, did Michael dye his hair black of something." I laughed a little as I'd gone on a tirade one night when my brother asked for black hair because then he would just want pink and be pissed I couldn't get all the pigment out.

"No, he got into the bleach without me, didn't even put any sweetener in, so his scalp is tender, and its gonna need to be cut off." I huffed over and took te coffee he had made for me. I smiled at him. He was so sweet, not a filthy fucker like my brother.

"Ok...." Harry looked at me expectantly. "Why are you so upset about it, and why didn't you fix it." He pulled me down onto his lap.

"H!" I said, "I don't think I can do this with you naked."

"You do everything with me naked." He raised a brow

I huffed, "We got into it." I took a sip and scalded my mouth. "Fuck!" Harry handed me some water and took my mug. My 'M' mug. This boy loved me, he wouldn't cheat on me. "I just need to calm down. He's a wanker." and I cuddled into him and remembered how wonderful he was and didn't say a word about extra-vehicular activities like the bus sex he had used to have or my fears about being apart.

Because we were going to be apart.

That may have been the biggest argument we ever had. Harry even walked out.

"Why can't you come? just come be with me in London, Melody! It's not like you have anything going on back in Australia."

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