Trip of a Lifetime

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I threw the door of the roof open, alarming the security guy who had clearly inconspicuously followed us up here. Harry could learn from him a thing or eight about stealth.

"Sorry!" I said and the anger simmering in my voice was already changing, the tremor was apparent to my ears and I could tell by the soft look in his eyes that mine were about to runneth over.

All those bubbling emotions that I had expected to effervesce were an empty crib. I was so sure, so sure. I was still confused by his reluctance. If this was a crush, if the way he acted wasn't love, I'd be unable to take it when the real thing happened.

My mind raced as my heart ached, I'd barely made it to the door in the stairwell by the time I'd decided to fake sick and go home a few weeks early and I was crafting my lies to avoid the shows in Australia next month.

And, maybe I'd go to uni. There were things I wanted to study. Not compelling amazing experiences I was passionate about sitting in a classroom listening about, but a lecture hall was way more appealing than having to see the dimples face of my heartbreak all the time if I tagged along with tour again.

I tried to convince myself it was better this way as I made it back to the deserted hallway where the drunken revelries had yet to migrate to. I had ambitions I was lukewarm about that I may grow into if given the opportunity to pursue them away from thrilling strutting distractions.

I'd just about sold myself on a creative writing course at a small school near home when I heard a bing from the elevator behind me. I turned back to see who was being carried home first and admired the blue neon that ran the walls. For just another hotel this one had amazing details and an eclectic mix of big city chic and dive bar kitsch.

It was with a start I realized that it wasn't a lushy pal, but harry dashing out of the elevator calling my name.

"Melody," he bellowed runnin at me and I worried he would trip over his own feet. For someone who had started boxing, his agility sucked. I thought of other benign criticisms as he came to me and stayed in my fugue state until he reached me. I didn't even try to run, I just stood there and waited for him to come smash me into smaller pieces.

I was more shocked then when he reached me. He cupped my chin and planted his lips against my own along with a flag in my heart. This was a new kiss, full of feeling, not just longing or lust or contrition. Harry put so much of himself into the meeting of our lips I wasn't sure I needed words, but he gave me some.

"I can't, um, I can't say it.... not yet. I'll tell you why when I can, but....Melly," he pulled back from his intrusion into my personal space and gave me just enough room to feel the distance. "But, you're right, Melly, you're right..I, um, I feel.....," and he placed the hands he had clasped over his beating heart.

As he tripped and tumbled over his semi confession, I felt a huge lightening of my heart, as though the weight of his heavy words and restrictions were removed from the scale suddenly and the plate shot up. It fell down just as quickly when I realized I didn't know what any of what he hadn't said actually meant, still.

I needed more words.

I pulled my hands gently off his crashing chest and opened them between us.

"And?" It was all I could think of to ask.

"And..." he was at a loss. The boy knew every two letter word and how to make girl's scream with a turn of phrase, but his inability to say what he meant made me want to yell.

I turned to walk away, back down the hallway, to my brother's room. Dispossessed of heart and bed.

"No, Melody," he hugged me from behind, "and, um..." I went to turn to him, "no, it'll be easier this way," he kept me facing away and kissed my cheek tenderly. "And, I want to be with you, like really. I want to stop playing house, and build something with you. A home, let's," I felt him take in a fortifying breath, "you make even this empty place feel less lonely. You make me feel at home, no matter where we are."

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