The Sink Is NOT Fixed

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Shaun's POV

My new apartment is strange.  It's way too different.  Lea isn't much of a help since she takes everything I say as a joke.

I woke up early today, way too early.  4:56 in the morning, due to my sink being the way it is.

That man.  The man fixed it.  But it is not fixed, it is not dripping anymore.  I want it to drip.  Just, the way I want it to.

I stormed downstairs and banged my fist on the man's door.

"Haven't I told you not to wake me up so early?" He said as he opened the door.

"You fixed my sink."

"Yeah yeah, your welcome."

"The sink is NOT fixed."

"What do you mean I fixed it yesterday!"

"It was not on the list."

"I give you a list of things to fix and my sink wasn't one of them, now I have to go back and undo your mess," I said to him.  His face grew with rage.

"Don't knock on my door again, or I'll knock your teeth out!" He slammed the door in my face.


I rampaged through my apartment trying to find my flashlight and when I found it, I walked over to my sink and opened the cupboard with the pipes in it.

I started to see yellow lines showing the pattern's the water takes to get to the faucet.

I grabbed my toolkit, and got to work undoing and redoing what the man has done.


That night was peaceful, my sink worked the way I wanted it to, but now I don't have anyone to fix things for me when they break.

The little tool that I have been gifted from my brother is laying on its cloth beside me on the nightstand.  I picked it up with the blue cloth and started to clean it off.

It was always clean, but I always feel the need to do that.

"Come on Shaun!  It will be fun!"  Steve climbed up the ladder, I followed behind.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked wearily.

"Yes, I'm sure." We walked forward a few steps.

"See this isn' so bad is it?"

"I guess not." I smiled.

"Hey, you know what-" He fell.

Off the train.

In front of my eyes.


Hey guys!  I know this is a very short chapter but Friday's are double update days and trust me, I will make up for the lost 700 words in the next chapter!!!

I also know that I may get some stuff they say wrong, but I'm in school and at home, I am not allowed to watch TV until sometime next week.

By then I will probably review episodes five times and fix the chapters I screwed up in.

I also know Beverly is not in this chapter right now, but she plays a big roll in the story of Steve's death.



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