I Think You Were Trying To Apologize

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Shaun's POV

I cannot stand the fact that people are always worried about me.

They should leave me alone.

I know that Beverly just wants to know what is going on with me.

It is because of that man at the hospital, he confessed what he did to her, trying to ditch her which led up to this moment of her pain.

I tried showing that I was not angry but I really was.

He blamed me for something that would not have happened if he was not trying to get away from that girl.

When Beverly unlocked her door I immediately went into what we call my room now.

I do not know why I am always here, it is probably because I enjoy her company -and I stay here for free.

But today I felt different.

I grabbed the things that belonged to me and shoved them in my bag.  There was not a lot.

I walked downstairs when I was certain I had everything, and Beverly started talking to me.

"Listen, Shaun, I'm really sorry that I was trying to pressure you into telling me what was wrong- hey I think I have paperwork to do." She looked at me.

"What was I saying?"

"I think you were trying to apologize, although my hypothesis could be wrong."

"Oh, yeah anyways you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to.  I do that a lot because I get very worried about little things." She finished what she was saying and I walked past her and was about to open the door.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I don't have to tell you anything if I don't want to," I said, not even looking at her.

I twisted the nob and shut the front door behind me.

I walked all the way back to the building I stay at and set my bag on my table.

My phone started ringing.


I hit the decline button and set it down next to my bag.

My phone was ringing again.


I hit decline and this time I turned my phone off.

I got ready to sleep and went to bed with the rhythm of my dripping sink.


Beverly's POV

Something happened at that hospital, Shaun can't hide from me.

He seemed so angry at something, someone.

Wait.  Is he mad at me?  No, I didn't do anything to him, plus he was fine when I was there earlier.

Is it possibly Dr. Melendez that caused this?  Shaun always complains how he is always bugging him and making him do really simple tasks.

I don't know what is going on, but I really want to know.

I played with the buttons on my TV remote, but the TV wasn't even on.  It's because I'm very fidgety.

I finally decided that I would watch something just to get my mind off of Shaun.  I turned on my Netflix and went straight to The Bates Motel.  Shaun and I had left off on the episode where Norman meets a dog, and it dies from being run over by a car.

"Poor Norman!" I cried.  "Poor doggy."

I sound like such a baby right now but I'm really into this show.

I didn't realize how late it was until my big clock went off, midnight.

I turned the TV off and ran upstairs to my bedroom and immediately turned the light on. (Me when I take a trip down to my basement and don't want to be there) 

I peeked around the corner and stared at the room that Shaun used to sleep in.  I went into it and when I turned the light on, I saw a very new picture in the room.  It was of Shaun, and, Steve.

I picked it up and stared at it like the picture almost wasn't real.  It is very important to Shaun, I don't understand how he could have forgotten it.

I must take it to him, but not right now, it is too late and I need to sleep.

I took the picture back to my room and set it on my nightstand, so hopefully, I won't forget about it.


I woke up and guess what?

I completely forgot about the picture.  I did what I normally did every day and knocked on Shaun's door to tell him to wake up, forgetting that he was already at work.

I went downstairs and made some toast and scrambled eggs.

While I was eating, I realized that I had knocked on Shaun's door, but he doesn't stay here anymore.

"Oh yeah, -Wait!  The picture!" I ran upstairs, leaving my food sitting on the table.  I grabbed the picture, but not enough to put fingerprints on it.

I took it downstairs and set it in front of my food.  As I continued to finish what I left off, I examined the picture and noticed a few details about it.

Shaun was showing a little bit of his teeth in the picture, and Steve's smile was from ear to ear.

They looked like they were at a park.  Their smiling faces made me smile.  If only Steve didn't die, then maybe things would be much different than they are now.

*Beverly's Thoughts*

Shaun and I probably would have never met if Steve was still alive, because Steve would want to be with Shaun wherever he went, so then Shaun would not move to San Jose unless his brother came with.

Steve and I would probably cross paths a few times, Shaun too, but we would not know anything about each other.  We would have childhood, but we wouldn't remember.  It would be a lost cause.


So I think Steve's death kind of led us to this point, Shaun moved out here and became a surgeon.  Dr. Glassman could have chosen any other bank in this city, but the one I worked at was what allowed us to meet again.

I became disrupted by the thought of work.  I haven't been to the bank in weeks.  I should probably check up on things there.  I can't work it from home for the rest of my life.


Shaun's POV

I was not late today.  Dr. Melendez was proud of me, I think.

Today we were to be working on a patient, like always, but I got distracted by another.

His name is Evan, I examined him, even though I'm not supposed to be.  He looks exactly like my brother Steve, but it cannot be Steve.  Steve is dead.

Dr. Glassman came up to me and asked me what I was doing.  I walked away from him and he just starred at Evan.

"He -he looks like-"

"Steve, yes I know.  But it cannot be Steve, he is dead." I told him.

Today could be better than yesterday.


Hello!  I am in school right now!

I would like to say check out my friend's Wattpad, she really want's you to read her books!

Her username is Sydney_Reed!!!!

Also, tomorrow is a double update day for all books!!!!




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