I'm Sorry I Do Not Have A Bed

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Shaun's POV

Everything today went by so quickly.  Evan was discovered to have had cancer, I went to tell him, without parent consent, but he already knew.

When I showed up at my apartment, I knew I had to relax.  I shut the door and set my belongings in an orderly fashion on one of my kitchen chairs.

I sat in front of the TV I finally bought and I turned on 'The Bates Motel'.

I ended up falling asleep when twenty minutes passed through.


Beverly's POV

I decided to take this after work opportunity to return Shaun's photo.  

I went to his apartment building and knocked on the door.  I didn't hear any noise coming from inside.

I knocked again.  Nothing.

"Shaun?" I asked a bit loudly.

I heard shuffling of blankets coming from inside the room.

Shaun opened the door a few seconds later.  His hair was messed up, signaling to me that he was sleeping.

"Sorry for waking you-"

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Wait why?"

"I don't know."

"Why are you mad at me then?"

He didn't speak.

"Why did you come here at 10:21 at night?" He asked.

"To return this." I pulled the picture out of my purse and his eyes welled up with tears, but they didn't fall.

"I forgot." He chuckled a bit and swiped the picture out of my hands.

"Goodbye." He was about to shut the door but I put my foot in the way.

"That's it?  No 'Thank's Beverly!' or 'Have a good night!'"

"Thank you and have a good night." I stepped inside his apartment.

"Oh no, you don't!  This performance isn't over!" I don't know what had gotten into me.  It's like there is no telling what I could do next.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

He shut the door and sat in one of his dining chairs.

I didn't speak, instead, I just walked closer to him and stared.  When we were face-to-face, I couldn't believe what had happened next.


Shaun's POV

I could not help myself.  She was right there and it was the perfect opportunity to do what I had waited so long to do.

I closed the gap between our faces and she was quite surprised, however, I was too.

I don't know what is happening to me.  We are both becoming completely different people than when we first met.

We are bringing out new sides to each other, better ones.

Beverly moved onto my lap as our lips stay latched.  We both pulled away and she put her head on my chest.  My heart was beating rapidly and I bet she could hear it.

"I've never kissed somebody before Shaun." It was then when I realized her heart was beating just as fast as mine.  Adrenaline.

"I have never kissed someone before either."

Her arms were around my neck and mine had somehow managed to wrap around her waist.

We were both in very tight grips.  I would have stopped the situation, if it were someone else.

She then stood up, and I did too.  She looked at me and kissed my cheek.

"Do you want to stay here for tonight?  It is too dark, most accidents are caused at night." I told her.

She nodded and laid down on my pile of blankets.

"I'm sorry I do not have a bed." I laid down.

"That's alright," She put her head on my chest again, "You make a great pillow."

We both fell asleep to the rhythm of the dripping sink and beat's of our hearts.


The morning was a rush.  I had to get ready for work so I wasn't late.  I tried not to wake up Beverly, but I also wanted to tell her I was leaving.  I left her a note.

I went to work


I wanted to write a heart.  But I am scared to show her my feelings.

When I shut the door to my apartment, I heard her moving inside and I speed-walked down the rest of the hallway.

As I started walking to the bus stop, the bus passed me.  This had me very confused because it normally arrives at 7:15 a.m. to pick me up and right now it is 7:12 a.m.

It showed up three minutes early and I wasn't there.

I thought of the embarrassment I was going to face as I walked back up to the flat.

I opened the door and Beverly was still there, sleeping.  I threw away my note and woke her up.

"Beverly, it is 7:18 in the morning, why are you still sleeping?" I asked her.  She sat up and my hands were still on her shoulders.

"I'm not used to waking up early like you are." She walked into my kitchen and looked through my cupboards for food.  She found cereal and ate it with her hand.

I walked up to another cupboard and took a bowl out and set it in front of her.  "You could have asked," I said.

Her face turned a tiny shade of pink and she poured the cereal.  I got out a second bowl for myself and we both ate our cereal.

I also grabbed apples for us and we ate them.

"Why do we need to eat these?" She asked.

"People say an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

"But you are a doctor, so you would get less money." She chewed on a piece.

"I suppose your half correct," I mumbled.


Was this chapter all over the place?

If it was, sorry.

I'm trying to just keep it moving.

I also never know what I'm going to write next because I just trust that I can write as I go on.

What would really help is some suggestions!!!



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