I Proved You Wrong

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Shaun's POV

Waking up at 6 am isn't easy. That's what someone would say if they weren't me.

I, however, enjoy my morning routine.

Change clothes, eat breakfast, brush my teeth. Every morning.

I take the bus to work. I am not allowed to drive.

I rush into my building before 7 am, Dr. Melendez will be mad at me if I'm not on time.

Luckily, I made it before 7 am, I got there at 6:59.

"Murphy, late, again."

"No, I am a minute early. That is not late."

"If you're early your on time, if your on time you're late, you got me?"

"Yes, Dr. Melendez."

"Good. Now today you will be doing what you have been doing for the past week, suction. Meet me in the ER, we have a patient already waiting."

We all went and put on our surgeon uniforms.

When we all were in the operation room, we grabbed our tools and started working.

"Murphy," Dr. Melendez pointed somewhere in the patient's body. I knew what to do. I've only done it thirty-five times.

Dr. Browne decided to speak up while we were working, "You know, Shaun can do a lot more than suction, and if you give him a chance then he could prove it to you."

"Shaun is apart of my team just like you are, there is always has to be a leader of the team, that leader is me. Not you. I assign the roles I want my assistance's to have, again. Not. You. Have I made myself clear Browne?" Melendez spoke.

"Yes, Dr. Melendez." She nodded.

We continued on with the operation until the patient's heart rate started dropping, rapidly.

"What's going on?" Dr. Melendez asked very loudly. He started to panic.

"We were doing everything just fine!"

I began to visualize the patient's body, where we operated, and possible injuries. It all came down to one thing.

"The patient is losing blood," I told him.

"Murphy the patient isn't bleeding! We fixed that problem already!"

"No, we didn't," I took a retractor and separated some skin from the rib cage (since it was already halfway open), not separated enough to do damage, but just enough to show the blood leakage.

Once it was showing, you could see the blood coming out of the patient.

Everyone began to fix up the body and I stopped the patient from bleeding out.

Dr. Melendez sat back and watched in awe.

"You said we are a team, but you didn't do a thing. All you did was disbelieve in Shaun," Dr. Browne said to him.

We all walked out once the surgery was complete.

"Murphy!" Dr. Melendez called me over.

"How dare you humiliate me in front of the other surgeons in that room!" He was talking very loud.

"I didn't humiliate you, I proved you wrong."

"And you see a difference between the two?"

"Yes, you shouldn't feel humiliated when someone proves you wrong. There is called being criticised. And it doesn't hurt to accept some criticism once in a while. Or would that be too rare for you to get? You give out lot's of criticism, especially to things you know nothing about." I walked away from him without waiting for an answer to my last question.

"Good job in the Murphy!" Claire said, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Yes. We saved a life." I stated.

"But all the credit goes to you, if you weren't apart of that surgery, nobody would have known that there was a blood leakage." She said.

"Dr. Melendez would have probably figured that out."

"Yeah, after the patient died." She said.

I gave a little smile to her for that one.

"See, you even agree with me!" She pointed out.


Beverly's POV

I ran into the hospital that I knew my sister was in. She had a metal pole stabbed into her body at work.

"Hi, I am looking for Chris-Christina, ugh, Waine," I said out of breath.

"Ah yes, she just got out of surgery, so you can wait for a few minutes in the waiting room. Her doctors will be out in a few minutes to tell you the results." The man at the desk said.

I obeyed orders and sat in one of the uncomfortable grey chairs in the room. There was mostly glass walls, so you can see everyone walking in the hallways.

I put my face in my hands and let a tear fall. I then heard talking from the man and a female.

There were footsteps leading up to my chair.

"Miss?" I heard.

Looking up at the girl, I could see someone next to her. Shaun?

"You're the sister right?"

"Yes, I-I am."

"Well the surgery went well, and you can owe it all to this man right here." She motioned towards Shaun.

I stood up.

"Thank you, Shaun."

"You're welcome Beverly."

I pulled him in for a hug and he tapped my back a few times.

"Well, I see you two know each other." Said the other doctor.

"Claire, this is Beverly, she is helping me arrange my money so I can buy a television."

Her name is Claire.

"Well Beverly, if it wasn't for Shaun being in that operating room, your sister would have died due to blood loss."

I looked at Shaun again with my teary eyes and smiled at him, in which he returned with a smile that said 'Your welcome.'


Sorry again for this being such a late chapter. I know I said it would be ten hours earlier than this but my mom decided to leave and make me watch my siblings.

I am not allowed to use a computer while I watch them so some of this chapter was done on my phone.

I don't really plan on missing writing days but if something happens to my schedule then I will make arrangments.

I want you guys to enjoy my story so comment suggestions if you have any! Speech from the people is how things get better (it also get's better if you vote *wink wink*)

I will update tomorrow but I don't know what time I will publish the chapter at!

Bye guys!


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