Chapter 16 Part 2- This Is All For You, No Matter What... Forever More

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(A/N)-Read on my lovelies!

**Sting's POV**

"I didn't think it would actually work out the way I wanted it to."

I ignored the chants of the audience screaming for Fairy Tail's victory. Honestly, with running into Akira, 'losing' Lector before the fight, Akuma's Rose's competitors, and having all my guild mates lose. I didn't think anything would work like it did.

"This must be fate." If I beat all of Fairy tail right now... I'll win. I smiled greatly at the thought.

"I'm right here! Come and get me, Fairy Tail!" And so, I waited patiently until slowly. One by one each member came and showed themselves to me. Laxus, Gajeel, Erza, Gray and even... Akira who stood right next to Gray. Holding him up she helped him to walk.

"What a spectacular sight. All of you are wizards I looked up to seven years ago."

"Shut it... This is the final battle" Gajeel stated blankly.

"We'll beat you one-on-one. Who do you want?" Gray asked. I grin in reply and say,

"All at once is fine. With your injuries, one-on-one would be boring."

"You'd do best to shut up right now and not underestimate us, Sting." Akira replied.

"I wouldn't dream of it. I'm treating you guys with respect. That's why I'm gonna crush you all together!" I say with a grin coming to my face.

"I've been waiting for this. I'm gonna show you and Lector how strong I am." I began to feel the same rage and passion I felt when I fought Natsu earlier on.

"Lector?" Gray asked more to himself.

"I don't know what you're talkin' about, but are you serious?"

"I'm serious! I got stronger! Losing Lector as awoken new strength! For lector's sake... for my best friends sake... I'm gonna beat all of you!"

Erza steps forward leaning on her makeshift cane and says,

"Fine, if you're that prepared... Then we'll fight you Sting."

"That's what I wanted... Now, I'll show you my truely newly awakened power!" With that I allowed my bright light magic to surround me engulfing me in my own lights I prepare to take them on until...

"Sting... Just know... What you're doing is a mistake. And what you say has brought you knew strength is not what you think it is... Remember... You're already strong as you are now. Your hearts in the right place, Sting, but not with the right actions and words. You can choose better"

Finally, something told me that what she was saying... was right. All of them are already worn out. So beat up, that one push would knock 'em over.

Damn it! You've come this far. What are you hesitating for, dumb ass?! If I keep my promise to Minerva and beat them all, I'll be able to see Lector! That's right, Lector! Move! I got stronger! My feelings for Lector, made me stronger! Or am I wrong? Like Akira said? Is that really what's making me strong?

I tremble at the sight before me and quake in fear that I was wrong... No... I'll win!

'You're making a mistake... What you say has brought you new strength is not what you think it is... Your heart's in the right place Sting, just not with the right actions and words. You can choose better.'

Laxus x OC x Sting: The Price Of Loving YouWhere stories live. Discover now