It's Official (part 3)

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(A/N: Start playing the youtube video up there when you see this sign: [Δ•Δ] )

Eren's POV

It's been a week since I lock my self in my room and I'm absent at school. Ugh. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to face my classmates especially Levi. I think he already guess that I am Beast. Speaking of Levi, there is something in him that lessen my hatred towards him. Maybe he is actually Black- no,he's definitely not  Blackstone. There is a big difference in the two of them, right? But I really can't get off of my mind his eyes and voice. It exactly resembles Blackstone. The piercing, greyish blue eyes of his and the combination of warm and coldness of his voice. I sigh at the thought. I guess I can't lock my self in here forever. My parents are worried sick for me. I'll just go to the studio for a while. I kinda missed being there. I stretched  for a second then tied the curtains and open the window then my morning stuff. When I head downstairs, I clearly see their shocked and at the same time relieved faces. Then Mikasa came running towards me.

"Why did you lock yourself in your room, you dumbass?!" she holds back her tears while she yells at me

"*sigh* I'm really sorry if I made you all worried. I guess I'll just tell you the truth."

We all gather in the dining room and took our seats.

"Please don't feel disgusted at me."

"You know you can tell us anything" they tell me in unison

"*inhales* I am Beast, the singer Mikasa fangirled over"

They all gasp at the information I gave them. Then all of a sudden, I feel a pain in my cheek then followed by a violent shake. I slap Mikasa's hands over my shoulder. I then place my hand to my right cheek.

"What was the slap for?!" I yell at Mikasa

"Don't you know that I've always wanted Beast's autograph at my every collections?! Why didn't you tell us earlier?!"

"I'm afraid that you'll be disgusted at me and yes, I'll sign them all. For my number one fan" I giggle as she jump in excitement

"If we accepted you as gay then why would we be disgusted?" my mom told me alongside of dad nodding

"Your mother's right. We'll always support you no matter what" dad assured me

"Well, why don't you bring that Blackstone next time?" mom then continued then look at dad while they both giggle to each other

"MOM!" I yelled embarrassly

"Anyways, I was planning to visit the studio now"

"Can I come?" Mikasa squels excitedly

"Maybe next time. Promise" Mikasa pouted

I hug her then bid them farewell. I then took my leave and then got to the car and ignited it.

-Timeskip to Eren's Studio-

I was greeted by a hyperventilating Hanji.
She goes on and on about how I didn't go to school and the studio for a week. I assure her with a smile and tell her that I'm totally fine. I head to my dressing room and was about enter when Seven scared the shit out of me. I yelled him and chases him for about a minute. After the chase, he started to put make-up, dress and everything. Luciel takes his leave.


I was alone in in my room when I heard a strum of a guitar. Curiosity, I go out of my room to find where that beautiful music came from. It was so beautiful and so attractive. Good thing I am in my Beast appearance. I wander through the hall to the studio for a minutes just to find where that sound coming from. As I was coming near the studio, I started to hear words along the guitar strums. I slowly open the door and I was very shocked that the guy who is singing is none other that Blackstone itself in the corner of the room.

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darlin' sure it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you

He turns around to face me, still playing his guitar. As he stood up and started to head towards me, every step he makes, makes my heart flutter and made my face flush a crimson red. 

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darlin' sure it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
For I can't help
Falling in love with you

After the song, I was a completely tomato. I was so flustered. He put his guitar to my side and offer his hand.

"Hi Beast" he smiled sweetly

"H-h-hi, B-blackstone" I take his hand

"You know Beast, I've always loved you. Ever since the day I've first laid my eyes on you. Your beautiful turquoise and golden eyes that captivate me, it reminds me of someone"

I gasp as I look at his eyes and they look exactly like Levi then he pulls me closer to his chest. I flushed more red, if that was possible.

"Who are you really?" I mumbled out softly

I think he heard me cause he lifted my chin up.

"Do you really want to know who I really am?" he asks me softly

"But I also wanna know who you truly was."

I slightly backed away. I look so worried. Many 'what ifs' ran through my mind. He look at me with worried in his eyes

"What's wrong?"

"What if this is not the real me? What will you do?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"*sigh* Please promise me you won't feel disgusted. I'm really scared"

"No matter who you are, I will still love you" he smiles assuringly then kissed my forehead

I was silent for a moment until he spoke again.

"Why don't we just both show the real us together"


"I am Eren"
"I am Levi" we said in unison

I slowly lifted my hands and removed the wig as I stare at him with pure shock

"I-i always thought that you were Blackstone but I really never accepted that you were really the same person  I really liked"

"Well I just realize it past week, in music class. And your eyes, you both resembles them"

Another silence came across us. It wasn't the awkward silence. It was rather a  comfortable silence. And before I knew it, I feel a warm and wet pair of lips connected to mine. I already know who it was so I gave in and let him explore my deep and wet cavern. After a minute, we both pulled away to breath some air. I was a blushing mess while he has a pink flush in his face.

"S-so w-w-what are we now?"

"Boyfriends?" he asks bluntly whilst me blushing more

"W-well, I like the sound of that" I smile an oh sweet smile

He then pulls me again for a sweet, passionate and heated kiss.

"I love you, Mi'lady"

"I love you, Levi"

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hi guys. So here's the final part of the revelation. I know this is gettin' boring and I'm really happy that you still stick with this story. Thank you very much for all the reads, votes and comments. I really appreciate it. It motivates me to continue this story. Thank you very much guys. So long and stay pretty my titans❤❤

-QueenReader707 in and out

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