Touch of death

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Rapunzel stood in the entrance way of Pitch's dark hole. Her feet firmly on the cool morning soil as she stood there and stare above her staring at the sky. It was half pass three in the morning and the dark sky never looked so beautiful. RapunzeI stared wide eye to the wonder and the mystery of the night. The moon shined with a gleam glow which seemed to hover in the sky. The way the moon glowed softly only push the memory of Jack fresh into her mind.

"Rapunzel..." Pitch called for her.

Rapunzel regained her conscious and looked over to Pitch,"sorry..." She paused and then looked back up to the sky,"I just never noticed how beautiful the night sky was..."

"Yes, the night is a mysterious place." Pitch said.

Rapunzel walked over to Pitch who strangely enough, wasn't in much of a hurry. And for the most part, Rapunzel had no clue in way Pitch would bring her along.

"So how am I suppose to help you out with the believing crises?" Rapunzel wondered.

"Can I ask you something?" Pitch stopped to ask.


"Are you aware of your hair and the abilities it possesses?" Pitch asked.

"Well sure." Rapunzel said,"what do you want with my hair?"

"Oh Rapunzel Rapunzel, your hair not only can heal, reverse age, but it also glows." Pitch said.

"Well that is kind of the point..." Rapunzel said a bit smart-mouthed.

"Well done. But, you sing a special song to activate your abilities." Pitch said with a mile wide grin.

"What about the song?" Rapunzel said.

"Do you remember how it goes?" Pitch wondered.

"Of crouse I do...

Flower gleam and glow,

Let your power shine.

Make the clock reverse.

Heal what has been hurt,

Changes the fates' design.

Bring back what once was mine."

Pitch face let up with joy and he was memorized by the beauty of the glow and how it had traveled down her long endless hair. But it then faded.

"Why do you care about my hair anyway?" Rapunzel qeustioned.

"RapunzeI, did you know that there is yet a second song for your mystical hair?" Pitch said.

"There is?!" Rapunzel remarked

In surprise. She could not believe it, was there really a second song? And is it any different?

"Yes, that is why we are outside you see...the song is actually engraved into a stone rock." Pitch said.

Pitch and Rapunzel walked along the hillsides of the fields. The dark green in the night almost looked like black leaves on a tree. A light layer of fog covered the ground and other areas of the landscape. But just over a foggy hill there they saw it. Large rocks and stones were in a circle formation as Rapunzel and Pitch approached the rocks.

"Wwwoooooowwww..." Rapunzel said with awe,"oh and look, the center is cleared of fog-I wonder what that means..."

"It should be here somewhere..."

Pitch said pacing yet again,"ah! Here we are!" He said as he pointed to the strange markings.

Rapunzel approached the strange rock and tried to make out the words.

"Flower oh so very blight,

Won't you turn the tides,

Listen to the fates' design

Turn the light into the night...

let the dark come to rise," Rapunzel hair began to fade in color and instead of her golden hair it fade to silver, almost colorless.

"Feel the..poison," Rapunzel's eyes changed from green to red,

"down deep inside,

Change what once was mine..." Rapunzel then collapsed onto the ground. As she landed on the fresh grass, the grass then all withered and decayed as the ground she stood on died.

"What once was mine," Pitch said.

Rapunzel looked to the ground and saw everything she touched, just completely died. Which also included that anything her hair touched also died. Rapunzel was speechless. But now not only can she still use her healing abilities she now possessed the touch of death.

"How is this possible?" Rapunzel asked in shock.

"Isn't it wonderful! Now we can consume the world with the fear of death!" Pitch said.

"But if you kill everyone, there will be no one left to believe in you..." Rapunzel stated.

"Oh I won't be the one who will kill anyone, let's just give them a scare of a life time!--It'll be fun!" Pitch Said.

Rapunzel's heart flittered with rage and disguise inside. And what was the point in the song,"feel the poison deep inside..."? What does that mean?

"Oh on the contrary, you have poison just flowing through your vains. And don't be stupid enough to try to heal yourself, it doesn't work that way. Everything you'll touch will turn to dust..." Pitch explained.

"What!? I've been p...p...poisoned!?" Rapunzel said outraged,"How can you do this!? To me!? I thought"

"Oh that right I "loved" you. You should know that I fib from time to time." Pitch said.

Rapunzel look down as her hands, touch of death? She then uncontrollably ran up behind Pitch and push him down. He got up and rose up,"you should know that I am the bogey man. And Fear doesn't die!"

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