"Thank you all for comeing to our wedding"-paige
"Yes thank you"-gray
Well paige and gray got married and its my one year aniverserry with e.
We got back home and it was the perfect moment to tell him something iv ben meaning to for along time.
"E......were ganna have kids"-sarah
His eyes just kinda opened really wide
"Are you serious"-e
I just nodded my head and smiled
He was crying rubbing my stomich and i just barried my head in him shoulder and we just stood there until
Gray and paige came in
"What happened you guys"-gray
"We are ganna have kids"-e
"Ohh my godd you two thats amazing"-paige
"Well wile were on that subject im ganna have kids too"-paige .
"Ohh my god you guys"-sarah
"Hey we cant possibly stay in this aprtment for much longer espacally cuz our kids are coming how am i ganna explaine why we live with aunt paige and uncle grayson..becouse uncle grayson cant leave daddy becouse they will die"-sarah
"Ok but our kids will be mest up but we will love them"-sarah
"He our kids will be messed up too"-paige
me and paige both had our kids i had twins boys and a girl and paige had a girl and boy.
" shawn, jackson and november look at the camera"-sarah
"You too mason and rachel"-paige
We took a family photo all together for nobember and rachels birthday
Yes they have the same birthday we didnt plan it it just happened like that.
They were turning 3
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to november and rachel happy birthday"-everyone
We ate cake and whent to the ware house .
Gray and e were doing backflips on the trampoline....were super luck to have these people as our husbands (sarcastic)
"Daddy i fell"-rachel
Grayson got off and ran over to her and got her up and kept playing
"Mom and daddy are weird"-navember
"Yea bout im happy im a dolan"-november ,mason, jackson, shawn rachel

the dolans and you
Фанфикyou, ethan, and grayson are best friends. you are apart of the youtube channel, you do all of there crazie challenges with them. As you do all of these challenges do you start developeing feelings for them?