I stood there thinking and i got it.
I ran into the warehouse
I started ro set up and awsome thing but ethan was ganna kill me for it.
I whent to sleep thinking about it . So the next morning i got up.
Paige left the house to go grocery shoping. I found sarah
"Hey sarah can you help me with something?"-gray
"Yeah gray what do you need"-sarah
"I need umm when paige gets home distract her ill text you to come down to the warehouse"-gray
"Whats in the warehouse"-sarah
"Um nothing just distract her ethan knows the plan too"-gray
"Ok gray"-sarah
Paige walks in and so does ethan. hey etahan why dont you and grayson get ready for that thing.
"Ohhh right sounds good lets go gray"-e
"Come on paige lets sit down"-sarah
*buzz buzz*
I got a text from grayson.
"Hey paige wanna come down to the warehouse with me"-sarah
Ethan was there for moral support "You good grayson"-e
"Yeah im ready"-gray
"Ohh here they come"-e
E stepped off to the side
Sarah and paige walk down to the warehouse they came in. Sarah joined ethan and held his hand they were watching off the the side.
I had a big blanket with candels spelling will you be my girlfriend, and roses with a tux on and the lights dimmed.
"So will you"-gray
"Yes grayson yes"-paige
I pulled her into a tight hug. And kissed her soo passionate like it was our last kiss ever.
Ethan pulled sarah and put his hands on her wast,looked into her eyes and kissed her passonitly just like i was kissing paige.

the dolans and you
Fanfictionyou, ethan, and grayson are best friends. you are apart of the youtube channel, you do all of there crazie challenges with them. As you do all of these challenges do you start developeing feelings for them?