chapter 14

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he looked down at me and kissed me.
I questioned it alot but whatever i whent with it i liked him and i have whanted him to do that for so long,
we were in a pashonate kiss until  gray and paige come into the living room and drop everything.
*grays and paiges mouth drop open*
I whanted to stop but i couldn't i just couldnt i enjoyed it to much.
So i knew he didn't what gray to think this way about him so i played it as if i didnt what it
"Eww e come on were did that come from"-sarah
"Umm ahhh sorry"-e
Paige and gray when back to what they were doing.
"Did you like that or no seriously"-e
"I loved it e"-sarah
He gave me a big smerk.
As paige and gray were continueing they kept a good eye on me and e.
"E are you ok"-sarah
"Yeah im good"-ethan
"Ok good thanks for saveing me"-sarah
"Yeah any time"-e
"Sarah lets get you in your bed"-gray
Gray picked me up and layed me down in my bed
"I'll go and get paige to take care of you"-gray
"Hey can you take care of sarah wile i get e"-gray
"Sure sounds good"-paige
Paige walkes into sarahs room and closes her door.
I walk over to the couch
"Ready e...come one lets get up"-gray
E gets up and throws his arm around me.
We walk to e's room,we get in and i shut the door.
"What are you talking about"-e
"The kiss"-gray
"Well i just it was the right time she looked super cute and i could help it it was the time deffenetly"-ethan
"Ok whatever but that was a big stunt to pull espacally at that time"-gray

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