We woke up to baging in the kitchen
"What is that"-paige
"I dont know, your mom?"-gray
"OHHH MY GODSSSHHH,I get to go to L.A. today with the sweetiest guy ever.
"Yeah and i get to go with the sweetest girl ever"-gray
"Come on lets get up"-gray
We got up and got dressed we called into the kitchen to find my mom makeing a goodbye breakfast.
I looked down and saw a plate that had panckes in the middle and goodbye wrighten in chocolate.
"Thanks mom"-paige
I ate it and loved it.
"Come on gray we have to leave"-paige
"Ok go grab your stuff"-gray
I whent down to my room and grabbed my suit cases and car keys
"Bye mom love ya"-paige
"Bye max bye macy"-paige
"Ugh bye"-max
"Love you too"-paige
"Bye paigey"-macy
They both came up to me and gave me a hug
"Bye guys call me later today ok"-paiges mom
Me and gray walked out the door i put my suit cases in the bed and got in we started our cars and drove away.
I called grayson
"Hey do you know were were going?"-paige
"Umm kinda we will get there so its fine but"-gray
I hung up the phone and turned on the radio, my favorite song cane on and it was about dinner time so i called gray
"Hey wanna get off at the next exit to get food"-paige
"Sure sounds good im hungry and have you talked to sarah scence you left the apartment"-gray
"No not yet i think she sent me a text but ill check at dinner"-paige
"Ok sounds good"-gray
He hung up and we got off of the freeway, we pulled into the parking lot,got out and walked in.
"Hi 2?"-waitress
"Ok fallow me"-waitress
We fallowed the waitress to our table and sat down
"Ok can i get you guys some drinks"-waitress
"Ahh sure a coke"-paige
"Yea a coke"-waitress
"Sounds good ill be right back with those"-waitress
She left , i checked my phone and found a text from sarah saying"hey i miss you alot".
"Hey paige do you have a.text from sarah"-gray
"What does it say"-gray
"Hey i miss you alot"-paige
"I have one"-gray
"What does it say"-paige
"Me and e miss you alot please come home"-gray
"Well were almost done here i cant wait to get home...but its almost midnight wanna get hotel room?"-gray
"Sure sounds good"-paige
We left and rented a hotel room we got there and fell asleep when

the dolans and you
أدب الهواةyou, ethan, and grayson are best friends. you are apart of the youtube channel, you do all of there crazie challenges with them. As you do all of these challenges do you start developeing feelings for them?