Chapter 27 Slow breaths

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I woke to the bedroom door being opened knowing it wouldn't be anyone other than Alex , I kept my eyes closed and tried to fall back asleep ,just as he lightly shook me to wake up.

I really wasn't in the mood but opened my eyes smelling food. As I opened my eyes there he stood in pajamas , messy hair and a tray in his hand.

Was this his idea of a piece offering when realised what he did last night ?

If so it would take a lot more than bacon and eggs to fix this.
", I made you breakfast,"
I just eyed him then looking down at the tray and taking it from him. He stayed silent as I took a bite of the bacon.

"I just wanted to say , I don't remember much , but seeing as you're  sleeping in the guestroom I must've messed up bad huh ?" He said sheepishly

Really he thought he could give me breakfast and say 'Oh, I don't remember  what I did so please forgive me ' story ?

No ! That wasn't going to cut it.

I kept silent not wanting to talk to him yet cause I was still really hurt by what he said.
"Oh , ok... um then I think I'll just leave ...bye "
He said as I gave him a nod as he left the room.

(Alex's POV)

I don't get it . What did I do last night that ended up like this ?

Last thing I remembered was me asking Mr Jenkins for the promotion and him telling me Chris got it , then going to the nearest bar and ... Oh no, did I drink again ?

Oh , this is really bad I got to fix this , drunk Alex wasn't always pleasent.

I just wish I could remember what I did but nothing seems to come to mind.

I swear I'm never going to drink another drop if it ment I didn't lose Tiffany.

So , I went to the jewelers to buy her that necklace she kept saying she loved and then stopped to get her some red roses and a box of chocolates. I know it wasn't much but hoped it will fix things.

I put my key into the front door and was immediatly met with loud music playing through the whole house.

After stepping in I then realised it wasn't just any music but Taylor Swift's Look what you made me do .

Oh , no this didn't mean anything good for me , more so if she chose that song.

I set everything on the kitchen counter as I slowly made my  way up to the guestroom bracing myself as I pushed the door open.

She wasn't there. Where could she be ?

I followed where the music was coming from and stopped at the door hearing the music more loudly. It was her artroom.

I pushed the door open once again and there she stood. Her hair in a messy bun literally throwing paint onto a canvas.

Well I guess that's her way of expressing her feelings and judging by the paint flinging everywhere , must be anger.

"Tiff ?"
She looked up acknowledging me before setting her brushes down and brushed passed me. She stopped at the door and turned around.

"I got some friends coming over later." Not a single word more as she left. I decided she might need some space so I went to my study downstairs , hopefully trying to get my mind off of things.

An hour into it I was interupted by more loud music. As I stood up I looked out the window, seeing a lot of cars in and around our driveway.

What the heck was going on ?

I opened the door and walked out seeing a crowded house.

Moving through the crowd I looked for Tiffany's face. But didn't see her. Instead I saw a lot of strangers dancing and making out on my couch.

Frustrated I went to the kitchen ,  when I bumped into Tiffany.

"Tiffany what the heck is going on?"

"I told you I had friends coming over ." She stated hostile

"Yeah , and I thought you ment Josh and Veronica not the whole dang city's teens ."

"Yeah well you should've expected this type of thing, since you married a teenager ."

And with that she walked off again.

What did she mean by 'since you married a teenager ' I swear this girl never makes sense.

I walked through the crowd again seeing her dancing with some guy , too close for my liking. She was my wife For goodness sake!

As I approaced them she turned around as her cup fell to the ground closely followed by her limp body.

I rushed through everyone trying to get to her as everyone formed a circle around her just staring at her .

"Don't just stand there call 911!" I shouted as I lifted her limp body in my arms watching her as she took slow breaths.

What did you think. Comment if you could have any room just for you like her artroom what room would it be ?

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