Chapter 35 Picnics' and surprises...

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"Is your eyes still closed babe ?"
"Yeah !"

Yup,Alex had yet another surprise for me. Yesterday it was the nursery and today something else. So here I stood again with my eyes closed at an unknown place waiting for my dear husband to say , I can open my eyes.

"Ok, open ."
As I opened my eyes they were soon filled with tears as I took in the sight before me. We were back at the park where we sat and talked at the first time we met. It's dark outside and before me is a picnic with all my favourite snacks with fairy lights hanging from the tree. I can't believe he did this for me.

"So... what do you think ?"

"what do I think ? I love it Alex!  I can't believe you did this for me."

"I already told you, I'll do anything to see you smile. I love you Tiffany"

"I love you too Alex. But,now I feel bad..."

"Why ?"

"You already do so much. Taking care of me 24/7, setting up the nursery and all. Yet you still make more time for sweet gestures like this. I-I didn't do anything for you..."
Tears reapperd in my eyes. I've cried so much during this pregnancy, I swear I could've filled a dam by now.

"Hey, hey...don't cry."Alex soon engolved me in a hug."You've done so much more for me then the little things I've done. For starters you married me, you accepted who I am and still love me after finding out what I do for a living. And the best of all you're blessing me with two amazing angels. What more can a guy ask for ?"

"Alex... I love you so much."
"And I love you more."

After our heartfelt moment we ate while Alex made the corniest jokes, but that's just typical Alex and I wouldn't want it any other way. We star gazed for a while until he ran to the car coming back with a small speaker which he plugged into his phone. He then played Perfect from Ed Sheeran - our wedding song.-

"Can I have this dance ?" He asked bowing down and stretching his hand out .

Yup, here comes the waterworks again. I took his hand as we danced as close as possible with our two angels in the middle.

"Do you still remember what I told you last time we danced to this song ?"

"I do , but to which part are you referring to ?"

"The part where I said when you're  running after our children yelling for me to take over I'd gladly do it because that's how much I love you ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Well, because of you that might just happen." He said with a chuckle"See Tiff you've given me more than I could ever have wanted. You are my whole world and you make me complete."

"Thanks Alex that really means al-" a sharp pain went through my side as I recoverd"a lot "

"Tiff ? Are you okay ?" Alex said pulling away."yeah, yeah I'm fin-" and another "fine , really"

"You sure you don't seem fine..."
"No , I'm okay I'm really okayyyy..." I bent over in pain."now I'm not okay."

"What should I do ?"
I didn't even have the strength to awnser to his question. - I mean what kind of question is that even !? - as I cringed in pain again.
"Okay , let's get you to a hospital."


As we arrived at the hospital they immediatly took me to be examined and said Alex should wait outside first.

(Alex's POV)

I can't believe they took my wife to a room and I had to 'sit here and wait patiently' as the doctor put it. How can I , any husband or man for that matter stay calm while your wife is  rushed to another room and you had to wait outside !? While you'd much rather be next to her holding her hand.

"Mrs Tatum?"
"That's my wife." I jumped to my feet.
"Yes , sir it seems your wife has gone into labor we can take you to her ?"

I nod as I followed him.

What into labor? It can't be ? I'm not nearly ready yet to be a father. I mean I knew this day would come I just mean , I thought I would have more time to prepare myself. I don't know the first thing to being a dad let alone how to raise a child and two on top of that! Man , I'm freaking out way more than I thought I would.

He opened the door to Tiffany's room as I walked in seeing her on a bed hooked up to some machine. She was in labor but still had the biggest smile across her face.

I sat next to her realizing ; You know maybe I can do this , with her by my side I could do anything.

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