Chapter 3 (Part II)

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Dallas, Texas

Monday, 2:25 pm 

My feet felt glued to the floor with unnatural force as if there was no concrete under my heels but glue or better, a quicksand that was dragging me down, under. My mouth went dry and my eyes singed with the wetness that left my mouth dry.

What was she doing here? Why didn't she called me even once? I left her my number, why didn't she call? Why is she here with this man? With Camila?

Questions flooded my mind and I felt as a fish thrown on the dry land. It was hard to breathe but I kept letting out slow and easy puffs of air through my nose. It was hard to think but I threw all the questions out of my head, sweeping it out the doors, far enough to let me continue.

I looked at the man, James, as if nothing happened, Teresa's silence came handy, but something inside me screamed that I should let the game go, because the way my face changed, I knew there was no way he didn't notice. And with Teresa here, was there a chance to play it right? Was there any sense in doing it? But I still continued, "Michela," I outstretched my hand toward him and I saw his thoughtful gaze lingered on my face, caution and alertness swirled inside his eyes. His hand found mine and I squeezed it with force man liked to share in a clasp of their hands, his eyes went surprised for just a second until his force became leveled with mine, but he didn't try to overpower me and it made me confused. The man liked to show who is tougher not only to man but to women as well, and he was totally something opposite of what I have met so far. Not good. I liked predictable and he didn't really help me in that moment.

Next, I outstretched my hand toward Teresa and gave her a meaningful glance, which I hoped would keep her silent. At first, she was frozen staring at my hand in confusion, and I almost face-palmed myself. Not obvious, not at all. But she snapped out of it and squeezed my hand repeating me her name, the name I knew too well.

"Nice to meet you. Really," I gave them both another version of one of my fakest smile, "I am very sorry, but my boss is very busy, and he could not meet you in person. But no worries I am here to cover everything."

I saw an unpleasant frown appear on James's face and I knew he didn't like the change, but I acted quickly to not let any bad thoughts be trapped inside his head for too long, "I heard you need to find Georgi?" I used this nickname on purpose, to let them know that I was in good relationships with him if not, they might not consider my words at all and call it quits with the whole partnership.

I needed more time to examine them, to make my own profiles. Well, let's be more precise I need to examine a man, James. I knew my sister well, though I was really curious about her place in all this. "Oh, I am sorry, I meant King George," my voice was fluffy and girly because I didn't want James to think of me anything more than 'assistant' or 'secretary' or anything else his mind can name me. I want him to think I was easy enough to fish information out of me, then he will be easy enough for me to do the same with him.

The only thing here that was going wrong was — Teresa. In seconds she could blow my cover-up, and I am not sure whether I should keep with bravado or just give up. Teresa was standing there, slightly behind the man, looking surprised at my demeanor and I prayed her mouth to stay shut for a bit longer. She was smart, but sometimes she could do stupid things and I was afraid her unsustainable side would want to come out and play with me.

Some of the people that I have met in the past, always told me I looked too smart for someone or anyone to believe in changes in my demeanor, but I knew it worked on most of the men. They saw beauty who spoke sweet nonsense to them draped in silks and lace and it was enough for most. Not all, but most. I hoped the man before me, believed, and something inside my mind whispered to me that he did, but still, he was cautious. Can't blame him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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