1: Slippery Snow

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It was awfully cold outside, I didn't know why I agreed to the stupid idea.

Oh, yes you do.

"Oh, shut up!" I said aloud. I immediately clamped my mouth shut. I looked around hoping no one was around to hear me.

I hid behind a hedge and listened for any noise. The only sound that filled my ears was the constant chirping of birds and the sound of soft giggles? I ignored it and continued on.

You ask what I am doing outside in the dead of winter freezing my generous derriere off. Well, good question. Lady Samantha had the amazing idea of playing a game of Hide and Seek. Outside in the maze hedge. Well, I couldn't resist those dangerous sea coloured eyes and frilly pink dress I knew too well. I knew she had ulterior motives in mind when her eyes glittered dangerously between Rikkard and I. So, begrudgingly I agreed to play but also because she forced Mr. Ambrose to play too. I walked down the maze kicking the snow around until I heard another giggle. Stopping, I glanced around the corner to see who it was.

"Adaira!" I gasped aloud. I didn't mean to but it suddenly came out. She jumped apart from the man and turned toward me. Her pale cheeks were red as apples and her eyes were wide as plates. He too had the same look of surprise in his face.

"Lillian, I didn't see you there. Um, may I introduce you to my friend Sir Thomas Ecclestone." She said quickly.

"He seems more than a friend to me," I smirked.

"It's nice to meet you Thomas," I curtsied and smiled at his shocked face.

"You won't tell my brother won't you! I beg you not to tell him," Adaira approached me and took ahold of my hand.

"What makes you think I'll tell your brother. That chauvanistic bastard would kill you both. Even me, if he ever knew. Which he won't." I assured her. She immediately relaxed and took me in her arms squeezing the life out of me.

"Oh thank you, thank you!"

"Okay, okay please let go."

"Mr. Linton! Is that you? Come here this instant!" We both froze at the sound of Rikkard's voice in the distance.

Adaira pulled away panic in her eyes.

"What do we do?" She asked me her voice trembeled a bit.

"Run! I'll distract him while you two go find somewhere to hide! Quickly! Go!" I pushed her toward Thomas, he took her hand and the two began to run away.

While I ran the opposite way. Toward Mr. Rikkard Ambrose.

"Mr. Linton! Don't you try to hide. Come here!" I heard his cold voice getting closer. I picked up the speed and ran faster.

Turning around the corner I crashed into a hard block and felt myself slip on the snow and fall.

"Ufff," I felt his strong arms come around me but it was to late we both crashed down onto the snow covered floor.

He stayed above me his arms still clutched around my waist. His cool breath tickled my ear.

"What a compromising position. Don't you think Mr. Ambrose Sir?" I smirked as he stared down at me.

"I could think of more compromising positions we could get into," I reached up. He growled and tightened his arms around me.


"Oh yes. Indeed Mr. Ambrose sir." We closed the distance between us, our lips crashing like ships in the night. It didn't bother me that we were on the cold ground floor. Oh no, not all. In fact I had grown used to it. I had grown so used to the cold I cold now withstand any temperature.

I knocked the tophat off his head and tangled my hands in his hair as he pulled me impossibly closer to him. Our bodies mashed together like two jigsaw puzzles trying to come together.

For a second we forgot about everything around us, and even about the little game we were made to play. That wasn't until I heard two pairs of footsteps coming our way. Mr. Ambrose must have heard them two since he abruptly pulled away and jumped to his feet pulling me along with him. The only reason he let me go was because he had to fix his dishelveled hair and straighten my dress. Though, I could have done it myself I wanted to feel his hands on my body once more before whoever it was came.

Adaira came out from the corner. That little she-devil.

"Oh, dear brother. Miss Linton," she said feigning innocence. Thomas her little friend stood beside her, his face impassive. She looked past me and toward Rikkard's hat lay. I took a step forward shielding it from view.

"Lady Adaira, how nice it is to see you." I narrowed my eyes at her. Mr. Ambrose noticed and looked between the two of us suspicously.

"Yes, quite the coincedence. Don't you think Miss Linton?" He said taking a step toward me.

"Oh, not at all. After all we are playing a game and in this case I am the Seeker. Look, I even found Sir Thomas." Adaira said with nonchalance.

"Yes, it looks like you have." He eyed Thomas making him take a step backwards. That poor boy. He had no idea what he was getting himself into.

"Come Sir Thomas, let's go find the other's." Adaira said pulling him away.

They disappeared behind the corner again their footsteps retreating. That conninving wench! I'm going to give her a piece of my mind when I see her later!

"It seems like the two of you know something I don't. Care to share, Mr. Linton?" His voice sent shivers up my spine. I couldn't. No. I wouldn't tell him. I just needed a good distraction. Finally, I thought of an appropraite one that would please me. Maybe him as well, but mostly me.

I turned around facing Mr. Ambrose. I put a hand up to his chest and the other around his neck. Automatically, he lowered his head.

"Hmm, I have something else in mind. Something more agreeable. For the both of us."

I reached up and pressed my lips onto his claiming anything I could take and giving him everything I could. Gently, I bit down on lip making him groan. He pulled me closer to him pulling my body against his. Our tongues danced a duet a fast beautiful dance. His hands came up to face then slowly worked its way down to my waist. I explored him as he explored me. I broke away and started planting kisses down his chin then worked my way down to his neck.

"Don't stop," he growled lowly. I smiled and stopped. I stepped away from him and took his hands off me. His eyes darkened.

"Rikkard, I think we should take this inside. Specifically your room. You know before anyone finds us." I whispered. His eyes went ablaze with desire.

"Indeed Lillian. I think we should."

A/N: If you're reading the authors note thank you. I still need to edit this so please excuse the grammar mistakes. Thanks for reading!

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