3: Silver Springs (Pt. 1)

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I dedicate this one shot to Ididntdietho
Thank you for being such a good friend and thank you for being my motivator. This one is for you. I wouldn't have this done this without your help.

Spring 1977

"You're late... yet again," I heard while entering the office. My head was banging and my eyes were still sensitive to the sun. Even the room slightly swayed.

"Stay," I told the floor.

"There was traffic." I replied to Rick. I would do anything just to go back home and back into bed but with Ricks demanding schedule, now and days there was no time off. On the weekends though it was a different story. A completely different story. One filled with booze and disco.

"What are you still doing at the door? Hurry up and get in. We have work to do." He ordered.

I groaned and clutched my forehead.

"Can we do this another day I have a killer hangover and I'm afraid it's going to effect my work effort." I said coming up with the excuse smoothly. After a couple decades of living you pick up a few things along the way. Learning to lie smoothly was one of them.

Rikkard gave me one of those cold stares of his but I grown use to it by now. Still, it was a habit for him to do that.

"Well then don't let it affect you." He snapped. I approached his desk and sat on one of the uncomfortable chairs.

"You're just mad becuase on Monday it's my turn to take a hold of the company and you're just trying to work me to the bone before it's your turn to slave away for me." I smiled at him.

"No, I'm trying to finish this up so you won't mess anything up." He replied with enough ice in his voice to make me four nice martinis. Shaken not stirred.

"Ricky, Rick, rick. After all these years you still don't believe in me even after this." I said raising up my ring finger. The diamond encrusted band shone brightly in the sun. He sighed defeated. Instinctively, he started to play with the simple golden band on his ring finger.

After we found out about the immortality thing and the incident in the 20's, we agreed to get married on top of many other things. It made things easier for us. Way easier.

"Lets just take the day off and go enjoy a night out on the town," I persuaded. I stood up from the chair whipping my Cher-esque hair over my shoulder. After the jazz age I decided to give long hair a go, especially becuase I always had shoulder length hair and frankly I was living for the long hair look. Though It was quite a hassle in bed. Rick didn't seem to mind. In fact he didnt mind at all.

I walked around the desk and swiveled his chair around to face me.
"What do you say? Up for a little adventure or are you afraid?" I leaned into his face and nudge his cheek with my nose.

I could feel him stiffen underneath me. His reaction was the same even after all these decades. I lowered myself onto his lap, his strong arms coming around my waist instantly.

"Fine, but first I have to finish  a couple things here at the office.  Go home and get some rest." He said softly. The corner of his mouth twitched up.

I smiled and grabbed his face bringing it closer to mine.
"Thanks, don't be long. I have a surprise set in store for you." I planted a big kiss on him then slipped out of his grasp. 

I made sure to waggle my behind since they looked good in my new bellbottom jeans.

"You will be the death of me," I heard him mutter. I smiled and left the office.

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