Chapter 2

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Toby's P.O.V
It was late, in fact, I'm fairly certain that by now it was early hours in the morning, and yet I was still wandering around the dark streets of Rosewood, staring up at the sky full of stars. I pulled out my phone from the pocket of my navy blue jeans and looked at the time to see the digits that made up the time three-thirty am. I sighed and placed my phone back in my pocket and turned around and hiked over to the Radley, the hotel where I was staying for the next couple of days. It was still strange going into the building that once homed the insane and where my mother had lived for a few years before her tragic death. As I was reminiscing about the times I had visited my mom as a kid I had dozed off into a state of daydreaming I was brought back to reality by the sound of glasses shattering after a guest and waiter had collided. I looked around remembering why I was here and headed up to my room with a nostalgic feeling.

I woke fully clothed on the top of the sheets of the bed as I had fallen asleep as soon as I had hit the soft fabric of the mattress. I sluggishly sat up and stretched before walking over to the bathroom and splashing water on my face to wake me up so more. I quickly got dressed seeing it was eleven-thirty and I was meeting Spencer, the girl I was madly in love with, at noon. I raced to the brew and waited for her nervously, I hadn't spoken to her since the wedding and I knew a lot needed to be said. I knew she probably was feeling guilty about everything that had happened and I wanted to make sure she knew it wasn't her fault but I just couldn't bring myself to dial her number. I was afraid she'd say we should just be friends that I couldn't agree with that, I needed to be able to hold her, to kiss her, to tell her how much I loved her and that marrying Yvonne instead of being with her was a mistake. I was in deep thought, occasionally taking a sip of my decaf coffee and glancing at the door to see if she had arrived knowing she was always early. After repeating this cycle for the twenty-fifth time I heard the door open and saw Spencer walk in wearing her usual style of clothing, a white blouse with some navy blue jeans, a pair of plain black flats and a brown over the shoulder bag to finish of her look. I smiled like everything in my life was perfect even though it wasn't, but I couldn't help it, she had this effect on me, and I just had to smile no matter how bad my day had been.

She glanced over in my direction and once locating me she smiled and strolled over to the table I was sitting at. She sat down and we sat in an awkward silence before I managed to utter "Hi, how have you been?" She looked up from her coffee I had ordered for her remembering exactly how she liked it and smiled replying with a simple "Yeah, I'm good. You?"
"I'm good, thanks." I remarked, realising that if i didn't keep up the conversation we would go back to sitting it an awkward silence I added "I meant to call you but um I guess I didn't know what to say, things were kind of err, complicated, when I left and I haven't really gotten out if the habit of running from my problems so I just thought it would be best to keep to myself." She looked at me with intensity before nodding and taking a sip of her coffee. "I understand I felt the same way about talking to you. I'm sorry Tobes, I dragged you into all of this and if it wasn't for me you'd be married for away from this dysfunctional town with all the dysfunctional people, me being one of them. I bet you wish you'd wish you never met me," she sighed before continuing "If I hadn't pressured you so much about Jenna and the night Ali disappeared, we wouldn't be as close and you wouldn't have gone through so much. It's all my fault and I'm really sorry about that." She looked down ashamed, she honestly believed it was her fault I had been hurt. I felt my heart ache I hated seeing her upset, feeling guilty, I automatically reached over and held her hand rubbing my thumb in circles on her soft and delicate skin whilst saying "Spence, I love you. It isn't your fault you had no idea what was going on, and I know that if you knew you would have warned me. Please don't feel guilty, I mean it when I say it wasn't your fault, I don't blame you." She looked at me and quickly pulled her hand away and sadly whispered, "Toby you can't do that," she looked at me seeing I was hurt, frowned and then continued, "I'm sorry, I love you, I really do, but I'm seeing someone. I didn't come here thinking we could get back together, I've accepted we aren't meant to be, maybe you should too." She rapidly finished her coffee and left, leaving me utterly speechless with an aching heart. I got several stares from the few people in the brew who had probably witnessed the death of my heart and my hurt expressions. To save myself from more humiliation I got up and left almost as fast as Spencer had and wandered off to the Radley hoping to drown my sorrows in alcohol.

It was quiet at the hotel, this was because there were two reasons you came to the Radley and that was for a room or for alcohol and since it was just past lunch it was too early for most to be drinking and the rest were out in the town. I sighed placing myself at the empty bar and ordered myself ten whisky shots after the bartender had given me a judgmental look he returned with the shots, which I downed in seconds getting more lightheaded as each one went down. I ordered a glass of vodka to down the whiskey and once again I had downed the glass of alcohol trying to forget my worries. It was now five o'clock and I was so drunk I didn't know where I was or why I was drinking but I didn't care I just ordered another drink just like I had several other times, the waiter was starting to get annoyed and concerned but even though I noticed I just couldn't bring myself to care. I was about to take a sip of my drink when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around awkwardly to find Mrs Marin standing there with a very concerned look on her face. She told the waiter to take away my drink and then she led me to one of the sofas, where I knew she would ask what's wrong and she did. Instead of telling her anything I just got up and ran to the toilets as I felt everything I had consumed today rise up into the back of my throat.

Spencer's P.O.V
It had been four hours roughly since I had met with Toby I hadn't done much since instead I just replayed the events over and over in my head. Ugh, I thought I should have let him down easily but instead, I panicked when he put his hand on mine trying to comfort me and then he told me he loved me. Those were words I hadn't heard in a long time and I missed them, I missed hearing his voice saying them, and when I told him I was seeing someone and ugh his face, my heart honestly broke. I never wanted to hurt him, especially after he had made sure I wasn't hurting because I felt guilty, he had made me relax a bit even if I didn't completely believe him. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the barn door opening and Alex Santiago entering, we had bumped into each other in Philly and had decided to get a coffee and catch up since we hadn't seen each other after the dramatic break up the night of Hanna's party. The night in Philly had ended in us kissing and making plans to see each other again, I had explained to him that it was A that had sent in his application since the whole A fiasco was now out in the open. He had apologized for assuming it was me and I continued by telling him everything else Mona had done and how Charlotte who was Ali and Jason's adoptive sister and my biological half-sister had taken over the game after Mona; and then five years later when me and the girls had returned to Rosewood my recently discovered twin sister had taken over the game from Charlotte after Charlotte had been killed by Mona. His life hadn't been as complicated, he had been practising tennis professionally and had even got into college on a tennis scholarship. "Earth to Spencer," Alex called out I blinked awake after remembering the night we had reconciled, i turned around so I was looking over at him. "I guess that's a pretty interesting wall," he joked," Hey, are you okay?"
"Um, what? Oh yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about the night in Philly," I confessed with a smile. "I didn't think you'd be back until later, I was going to make us dinner." He smiled walking over to me, sat down on the sofa next to me and stared into my eyes before saying "Well maybe we can make it together, we can make it fun like that time when you helped me in the kitchen at the club." I smiled at the memory and kissed him before replying "Sure, sounds fun."

We were making lasagna with fries and soda, not very creative but I'm not the best at cooking. I was actually mainly watching Alex why trying to convince myself I was happy and that I was better off without Toby and Toby would be better without me. "Spence can you pass me the sauce," Alex requested, "Spence? Spencer?!" I jumped at the unexpected shouting of my name, I looked over at Alex with an apologetic look and gave him the sauce "Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night." I explained before he could ask what was wrong with me, I couldn't tell him that the thing on my mind was my ex, so I pretending to be fine and continued helping him make the dinner my mind often slipping off to Toby. I had everything I needed, someone who cared for me and could make me smile but he wasn't Toby and every time I tried to convince myself I had everything I wanted, I immediately pointed out to myself that wasn't true, because if I had everything I wanted I would be with Toby and I'm not.

Hope you liked it, it was a lot longer than my last and I'm thinking most of them will be around this length from now on. Watch the spoby video I found on YouTube it's so good but sad. Anyway please comment your opinions.
Word count:1,985

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