Chapter 3

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Toby's P.O.V
I awoke with no memory of the previous night, the last thing I remembered Spencer telling me she was unavailable after that it's all blurry. As I sat up I was in my hotel room, I stumbled out of bed and got changed hoping to figure out what had happened, I had been drinking, I knew that from the wicked hangover.

After finding a painkiller I strolled down to the lobby if the Radley only to find Mrs Marin walking towards me. "I don't suppose you have any memory from last night?" I looked at her confused surprised she was aware of my situation. "Um, no. I don't, I'm guessing I we talked last night?"
She looked at me and smiled "You could say that, but I did most of the talking."
"What do you mean?" I muttered
"You were at the bar, you must have drunk most of the hotel's alcohol stock before running to the toilets and throwing it all back up again. Do you remember why you were so depressed?" She asked me warmly. I sighed straightening my posture and glanced at the bar and back to Mrs Marin before replying "Yeah. Yeah, I remember. I had met with Spencer, she told me she had a boyfriend. I guess I met with her hoping we had a chance." I frowned and tucked my hands into my pockets. She looked at me while, she then said"Oh, I'm sorry Toby. I'm sure you'll end up together though," I looked up at her confused at why she thought this after what I had just told her. "I always thought you two were meant to be. I still do, you were young when you fell in love but it was a pure relationship even with everything going on. In fact, I always thought the girls would end up with their first love, Hanna and Caleb, Aria and Ezra, Emily and Alison especially you and Spencer. " I looked at her baffled, unsure of what to say.

All of those relationships were pretty toxic, I mean every one of them had lied to their partner. Spencer had kissed two other guys and lied a lot and I had joined the A team and prioritised being a cop over our relationship. As for Emily and Alison, Ali could never admit her feelings so she had let Emily think it was just one way. Whilst Emily had thought Alison was dead for basically two years and when she found out that Alison was alive Emily beloved she was A and that relationship had only just come out really. Hanna and Caleb are cute but Caleb could be too protective and Hanna didn't always like that, she wanted a career and Caleb felt left out. Ezra and Aria were the most messed up, it had started by being a minor and adult relationship on top of a student and teacher relationship. Then Ezra had actually know who she was when they met because he was stalking her for a book. Aria had cheated on Jake and Liam with Ezra and so much more on top of that. But yet all the relationships were married or engaged except of course me and Spencer, the most important relationship to me and we aren't even together. After all this shooting through my head, I realised that I there was now an awkward mood between us since I had left my conversation with Mrs Marin to go down memory lane. I eventually muttered "Really?!" because I needed an explanation for her statement.
"Yeah, you had your problems but you always figured it out and you went through a lot. Not many teenagers have to deal with that kind of stuff."
Realising there was some truth to this I replied "I guess, but I'm not sure if Spencer and I will work this out. It seems different this time, she's adamant that she needs to stay away from me and everyone knows how stubborn she can be when she's set her mind on something. Maybe we aren't meant to be, I guess I just need to accept that. I meant it's not realistic, spending the rest of your life with your first love, with the exception of Aria, Hanna and Emily. We don't have a chance, not after everything that's happened. Do we "

Spencer's P.O.V
I awoke with a jolt remembering my nightmare and how realistic it was as if it really had happened.
"Are you okay" I heard Alex say next to me.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Bad dream. That's all." I grunted back at him, hoping to avoid any further questions about the dream as it rehashed it over in my head.

*Flashback to dream*
"Morning beautiful," Toby said a smile playing on his mouth and spreading to his eyes as handed me a cup of coffee and thanked him with a smile "Sleep well?" He asked
"Amazingly," I replied, "Although I'm surprised either of us did much sleeping," I said with a giggle
"Well I slept like a baby I'll have you know," he joked before adding with a laugh "Even if your pig snores did threaten my sleep"
I laughed and leaned over to him leaving a lingering kiss before going to get in the shower. He had wanted to join me but I refused, not completely sure why I had said no to Toby joining me I hopped in and was running my fingers through my hair, the water soothing my hot body before hearing the sound of glass. I jumped out grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me and running into the bedroom to see Alex standing above a dying Toby who was crying out for help. "Do you really think anyone wants to see you happy. You bring trouble everywhere you go, Spencer, you're the reason Toby will be dead in a few minutes. You. It's your fault. You should have listened to your head spence, your heart makes you weak, he makes you weak. You're stuck with me now, so say goodbye to Toby or I really will kill him next time!" And with that Alex and all of Toby's blood vanished and I was left with an angry Toby.
"You're a curse, Spencer. A plague. No one loves you. You don't deserve to be loved. Everyone would be better if you just dropped dead."
*End of flashback of the dream*

"Alex, I'm just going to nip out and see a friend, do you mind? I won't be long."
"No, of course, not. As long as your back for the lunch we're having tonight with Jason, Alison and Emily."
I looked at him confused before remembering Ali had set up a lunch since Jason has been gone for months and thought it would be nice to have a semi-normal family meal. "Oh yeah right. Don't worry I won't be late. I'm excited for you to meet Jason."

Toby's P.O.V
I was waiting for Spencer in my room at the Radley, she had texted me saying she wanted to talk and I had instantly replied even filled with curiosity. I heard a knock on the door and I jumped up from the made bed and leapt to open the door within seconds. She was beautiful as always I just had navy blue jeans and a white t-shirt on with black socks not bothering to put my shoes in but she as always was wearing a formal outfit that suited her perfectly. She was wearing black jeans with a white blouse and a long burgundy coat with some black boots. I smiled before gesturing for her to come in, I shut the door and walked over to the bed and sat next to her.
"Hi, what's up?" I said a little too bluntly
"I'm sorry about yesterday. I probably could have said it in a gentler way," she said looking down at her hands that were resting on her knees "But that's not why I'm here. I probably shouldn't be here at all."
"Why is that?" I asked sadly knowing she didn't feel different and was still unavailable
"Because like I said when we met for lunch, nothing good comes from being around me. So I ding think it's a good idea for us to be friends either."
"Oh," I croaked "Then why are you here? I'm sure you could have told me this through text or with a phone call."
"I guess I needed to see you, honestly since yesterday I can't stop thinking about you," she admitted, "And I wanted to say goodbye face to face." I smiled at her and cautiously leaned over hoping I could kiss her. She looked at me and slightly parted her mouth so I took that as permission and I kissed her, it was slow and lingering for I didn't want it to last she pulled me down on top of her and lifted my top over my head. We briefly looked at each other before she reached up to pull me back down to her lips. I couldn't help but smile not caring what and next.

Spencer's P.O.V
I was wrapped up in Toby's arms with just his t-shirt on I looked at him smiling before reaching up to give him a kiss. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help right it felt. I felt safe, happy. I can't remember being this happy since when I first went to college, it was nice, but even though I wanted to stay in this fantasy u couldn't help but think of the consequences, of Alex. I sighed and he propped himself up a bit knowing there was something wrong.
"Spence, what is it?"
"I'm just worried about what's going to happen after this."
"Well, what do you want to happen?"
"I want to be with you but I don't want you to get hurt and I don't want to hurt Alex. But I guess if he finds out about this it's going to hurt him. Isn't it?"
"Probably, but the truth comes out eventually. He's better hearing it from you then from someone else."
"Yeah, I guess I'll tell him after lunch with Ali, Emily and Jason. Oh my God, I forgot the lunch! I've got to go. Speak to you later?"
I had gathered my clothes and redressed myself quickly making sure I was tidy so no one would suspect anything and I ran to the wooden door, as I opened it I heard Toby shout behind me
"I love you."
I turned around happily and smiled "I love you too Tobes." before exiting the room and rushing to get to the Dilaurentis' house in time.

" before exiting the room and rushing to get to the Dilaurentis' house in time

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Spencer's outfit since I'm not great at describing clothes

Sorry for any mistakes I haven't had a chance to check it over but I haven't posted in a few days so I wanted to post ASAP. Another spoby video at the top. Please comment what you think. Be sure to vote and add it to your library/reading list if you like it. Please tell people about my fanfic I've only just started and it would mean a lot if you helped me get my view up.
Word count:1,796

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