Chapter 1

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Spencer's P.O.V
It had been one month since I found out I had a sister. A twin sister. Aria had returned from her honeymoon with Ezra and they had put in an application for adopting a child. Hanna and Caleb were preparing for their baby even though Hanna was only a month along. Emily and Alison were happy and planning there wedding whilst being kept on their toes with the twins. As for me, I had started a course at Hollis to get a degree in law. I was trying to stay focused on college once more but my mind kept wondering off to Toby and Alex and all the drama that had unfolded between them. I hadn't spoken to Toby much, well at all since Aria's wedding even though I knew I needed to eventually, considering he had slept with Alex thinking it was me. I had dialled his number a few times but hung up just before he could answer, scared of what he would say. I loved him, I've always loved him ever since that day at the motel when we had shared our first kiss, but I just couldn't help feeling guilty, it was my fault. It was my fault Alex tricked him, it was my fault Yvonne had died, it was my fault he was involved in all of this for I had let him into my life, I had asked him to help me with A which had resulted in his need to leave Rosewood and the death of the girl he loved. I can't help but think that if it wasn't for me he would be happy, he would be with Yvonne in their beautiful home he had built, happily married, maybe they even had kids. But he wasn't instead he was coming and going between Rosewood and Ethiopia trying to get over Yvonne and trying to come to terms with the fact he hadn't been kissing me but instead my twin sister Alex.

I got up from my bed in the barn, grabbed my long brown coat that was hanging on the top of a stool that was tucked underneath the island in the kitchen, and walked out over to the Dilaurentis' house. I opened the door to the sound of two babies crying, I walked into the kitchen to see Ali and Emily half asleep trying to soothe the twins and quieten their wailing. I walked up to them and took Grace from Emily and I smiled as she instantly stopped crying. "Seriously," Ali muttered still holding a crying Lily "She cries non-stop for an hour and nothing can settle her down but the second you come, she's fast asleep!" I let out a slight chuckle and explained "Babies can pick up emotions from their parents by their facial expressions and since you, two look like you've just climbed out of a bush after falling off a cliff and climbing back up again; I'd say there's not going be much of a light-hearted vibe in the atmosphere." By the time I had finished my explanation, Lily had stopped crying and had fallen back asleep and as for Emily and Alison, well they were just staring at me with joy in their eyes because I had stopped talking. I stared at them with daggers in my eyes and a smirk playing on my lips before adding "Let me take them back to the barn and you two can go rest, maybe even fit in some time to do some wedding arrangements." They both nodded without hesitation as Ali handed me Lily and Emily disappeared for a second before coming back and placing their day bag on my shoulder, as Ali was helping me put their coats on and open the door that led to the cold and empty street.

I slowly walked back over to the barn making sure to avoid any loose rocks or rouge plot holes for I didn't want to wake the girls. As I reached the barn I slowly bent down and twisted the doorknob as I had forgotten to lock it before departing to the Dilaurentis' house. As I walked in the heat instantly hit us and Grace began to stir, I came to a halt before continuing to the bed after Grace had started drifting back off into her deep sleep. Once I reached the wooden bed I place them on the soft material of the blanket and walked over to the where the sofa was and plopped myself next to the arm and tilted my head back as I closed my eyes taking in the silence. I gradually opened my eyes and leant forward to reach for the remote control to turn on the TV. I had lowered the volume down and was flicking through channels when I heard my phone emit a ding, I reached over a tilted it up only to see an unexpected text from Toby saying he and Jason had arrived back in Rosewood and would like to meet up for coffee tomorrow. I hesitantly replied with a sure and turned my attention back to the TV but before I could emerge myself into the program I heard the gentle whine of Lily.

I checked the time and let out a gasp as four hours had passed. I picked up my phone and texted Alison not wanting to call in case she was sleeping and asked if she wanted the twins back. Almost instantly she replied with a yes, so I arose and turned to see Grace sleepily yawning as Lily was taking in her surroundings. I glided over to the twins and carefully slide their delicate arms into their small and red, puffy coats, I then reached over and grabbed their unused day bag and slide it over my shoulder before leaning over to pick the ever so cute girls off my unmade bed. I walked to the back door of the barn and walked out after opening it in a not so graceful manner, I then turned around and locked the door before making my short journey across the concrete path that separated mine and Ali's house.

Please comment what you think of my first chapter or my first fanfiction.
Word count:1,030

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