"But why is the moon gone?"

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I laughed as I walked with Lia to our car. It was her 21st birthday, and all of our friends had gone out to celebrate since she was the last one of us to turn 21.

This was her first time drinking any alcohol and needless to say she was very much a lightweight. Which lead to our current predicament.

"I just don't get it! Why is the moon gone?" Lia whined, staring up at the sky with her head thrown fully back, looking slightly ridiculous.

Apparently aside from alcohol affecting her motor skills, it also erased the memory of clouds.

"There are clouds covering the moon Lia, it's not gone," I replied, shaking my head and trying not to laugh.

As I pulled her over to the passenger side of the car, Lia looked around in confusion, very loudly slurring, "Whaaaat? What are thoooose?"

I snickered, almost losing it altogether, "They are big fluffy things in the sky, and sometimes they cover the moon."

The irony was not lost on me that, as a meteorologist student, Lia would likely be very pissed at herself come morning, if she even remembered tonight at all.

"Well that's not very nice of them now is it." Lia looked suitably unimpressed with the sky. She lifted her face to the sky and shook her fist at the heavens.

"Do you hear me clouds? You leave the moon alone!"

*Added Note*
I have dedicated this chapter to theginger27, my good friend, who allowed me to write about her being completely wasted, despite the fact that neither of us have ever been drunk. :)

Hello lovely readers! Here is the second story! Again, I know it's really short, but I think it's more fun that way. Constructive criticism is always welcome, but please, no flames. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it.

Thanks for reading!

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