"Don't you have a country to run?"

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Those were the first words out of my mouth as I woke up from being under anesthesia. 

"My favorite person is in the hospital, my country can wait," came the response from the person sitting by my bed.

I looked over at my best friend, James Zachary Stanton, who just so happened to be the King of Scoelia, a small country off the coast of Scotland. James and I met when we both went to the University of Oxford, I majored in International Relations, and he majored in Business Studies. 

"I don't think it works like that," I remarked, shifting in the hospital bed and groaning as the stitches in my abdomen tugged at my skin. I'd had surgery to remove my appendix after a close call with appendicitis. 

He smirked at me, pulling his chair closer to the bed and grabbing my hand. "I run the country, so it does." 

"I'm pretty sure that I'm not as important as a country James. Besides, it's not like I'm in critical condition, you can visit anytime." I added, trying to make him see reason. I was a little confused at his concern. We hadn't talked as much as we used to, due to him being a King and all.

"Come on, seriously? You are my best friend, don't you start nagging me about my political duties like my advisors." James grinned at me, speaking with no heat behind his words. "And yes, you are just as important as a country." 

I rolled my eyes. When James and I had met, he was stupid, reckless, and had no sense of responsibility. But now that he had to run a whole country, James had matured a lot. Except it seemed when it came to me having surgery, then all of his priorities went out the window. 

"I know we haven't talked in a while, but I miss you a lot." James suddenly looked at me very seriously, and I swear his mood changes were giving me whiplash. "I have a proposition for you."

I sighed. "Oh lordy James, what do you need?" Despite my seeming annoyance, I would do anything for him, and he knew that.

"Well, now that I've officially been crowned King, my advisors are... advising me that I need to take a wife." James looked down at our hands, and I felt my heart go out to him. James parents had been married due to an arranged marriage, and it hadn't gone well. Once his father died, his mother abdicated the throne to James and left the country she had never wanted to live in in the first place.

"James, I'm so sorry, do you need my help trying to find someone? Or have your advisors already picked someone?" I questioned, trying to get him to look at me again.

He lifted his head, "I have someone in mind, but if she says no, then the advisors get to choose for me." I opened my mouth to say something, but he cut me off.  

"So, I guess what I'd like to ask you is, would you be my queen?"

Ahaha! Another chapter has been released! I feel like I am on a role, and I probably won't continue to update this often once it gets closer to finals time, but for now, enjoy all of the chapters! I would tell you guys when the next chapter will be released, but I'm not entirely sure when I'll get my next idea. 

So, thanks for reading!

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