"What's our exit strategy?"

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I looked at my lieutenant in confusion. "Our what?"

She groaned in exasperation, loudly proclaiming, "Oh my god, we're all gonna die," as two officers approached us.

"Sir we're surrounded," Officer Lee said, a note of urgency in his voice, emphasized even more by his quickly shifting eyes.

That, however, did not deter me. "Excellent, we can attack in any direction!"

Simultaneously, Officers Lee and Edwards, along with Lieutenant Miller, looked at me like I had gone insane.

"Captain, just because we're surrounded DOES NOT mean that we can attack from any direction!" I looked at my second in command like she had lost her mind.

Indignantly, I retorted, "Well why not? Clearly, it's the plan of action that makes the most sense, if we can't flee, we fight our way out!"

Officer Edwards looked thoughtful. "You know, that might actually work. The enemy would never expect us to attack them when they have us surrounded. We'd have the element of surprise on our hands."

"What good is the element of surprise if we all end up dead?!?!" Officer Lee looked panicked at the idea of attacking.

"Look, we really don't have any other options, so we are just gonna have to go with this plan unless you have a better idea?"

Everyone turned to look at Lee as I made the statement. He looked down at the ground and mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that Officer Lee?" I questioned smugly.

"No ma'am, I don't have any better ideas," he grumbled, definitely unhappy with the situation.

I looked at my troops, my expression showing excitement despite the seemingly hopeless situation.

"Alright, let's go fight our way out of here!" I turned to look at Lieutenant Miller and made one last parting comment before going to battle.

"How's that for an exit strategy?"

Hello dear readers, I'm so so so sorry that it took me so long to get another chapter up. It's winter break now, and I feel like I should be writing more, but I'm mostly spending my time playing video games and relaxing. Hopefully, I'll get another couple chapters up before winter break is over. Enjoy!!!!

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