Chapter 10 - In the woods

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They ate some bread and dried mushrooms. Then Rupert untied the quilt, gave one corner to Jacob and one to his Dad, to throw over them until all were covered by the quilt and they huddled together to keep warm. Not long after they all fell asleep.

The next morning Rupert was woken up first by the song of a Robin. It sounded so beautiful and also so near that Rupert carefully crawled out between the two man and out into the fresh morning. The sun was just about to rise and the sky in the east was red, orange and golden, the air still smelled of the dampness of early morning dew. Rupert looked around to find out where the singing came from, only to discover that the Robin now had moved even closer to him and had settled himself right on top of the quilt under which Alberich and Jacob were still sleeping.

He tilted his head from site to site like he was checking out Rupert if he was friend or faugh. Somehow he must have decided that Rupert was a friend and he started singing again. Rupert stood very still and just listen. Then all of sudden Robin flew up and off. And his Dad's head appeared from under the quilt.

'Do you have to whistle so loudly,' he grumbled.

'Ah, Dad that wasn't me, you know fare well know that I can't whistle that beautiful. That was the most stunning robin I have ever seen. But he is gone now, thanks to you grumbling about.' Rupert teased.

'Alright, point taken. Anyhow it's time to get up anyhow.' He disappeared underneath the quilt again, only to get up onto his feet with it around his shoulders and a still fast asleep Jacob on the ground. Jacob moved in his sleep trying to pull the quilt back over his shoulders, rolled over and groaned: 'Who has got the blanket.'

Alberich gave him a little tip with the top of his foot and Jacob shoot up like a wasp had just stunk him. He looked around sleepily and stretched his arms and looked up to Alberich and Rupert.

'Rise and shine my friend, no sleeping on the job now.' Alberich teased him now.

'Ah, well for some, but with the lark and then teasing others when they still need their beauty sleep.' Jacob mocked him back. Then he got up onto his feet and rooted in the bag for the water bottle, bread and some fruit jam.

'Now come on you two, don't stand there. Sit down, have breakfast. I guess we have another adventures day ahead of us.'

Rupert and Alberich spread the quilt onto the ground and they all sat on top of it enjoying their breakfast. Their eyes wondered around the spot where they had spent the night. The wall behind them looked still huge and looming. But in front of they could see a sea for blue bells stretched out under huge beech trees as far as they could see. To the left of them the sound of the brook could be heard. Alberich got up from his place, took the water bottle and followed the sound. The brook was flowing very shallow between the blue bells. He had to kneel down and stretch his arm out to dip his hand into the water and fill up the bottle. Then he put both hands into the clear water and washed his face. He looked back at the others. Jacob had already rolled up the quilt and tied back onto Rupert rucksack and the rest of the food was safely stored in the food bag.

'Come over here you, two, have quick wash and refresh yourselves. We don't know when again we may have access to such fresh water. '

Rupert took his shoes and socks off and put his feed into the brook and splashed around a little. While Jacob just washed his hands, arms, neck and face. Once they were done, Alberich pressed them to get ready to go.

'Which direction shall we go, as I have still no Idea where we are?'

'I think we walk towards the sun, as that is the most easterly we can get and old stories say that the enchanted woods is laying in the east of the woods.' Alberich answered.

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