Chapter 13 - Jacob fights Alberich's despair

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Don't you worry, I will go back now and look for your Dad. Just give me ten minutes.' And with that Jacob walked back whistling to keep himself in a happy mood. It didn't take him long to reach the spot where Alberich had disappeared and he put his hand into the nettles. His hand felt around and soon found Alberich's bags. He pulled them up towards him, but there no sign of Alberich. He sat down on the bags and put his head into his hands, while he tried to concentrate on how to find Alberich. He did know he had to dive into a darker mood to find him. But the more he tried it harder it got, he just saw Rupert's smiling face in front of his inner mind. Eventually he turned this mind back to happy times he had with Alberich, maybe he could reach him this way. Nothing came to him easily, so he got deeper and deeper into his consciousness. It took him back to the day when he first had met Alberich all those years ago when he had just joined the guards and was introduced the King and Queen. They were such a happy couple than and he was so proud to serve them. In those day's life as great and everything good in the Fort. He had a major crush on the Queen and that hadn't gone unnoticed to the young King Alberich. So one day he was called to the King and was told that from this day forward he, Jacob would be the personal guard of Queen Maeve, as

he would protect her with all his heart and mind. Jacob had laughed and happily agreed. That had been the good times. He sighed and with that he suddenly could see Alberich, just a few steps away lying on the ground. He was curled up and his legs were pulled up to his chest with his arms holding onto his knees. He kept rocking back and forth, muttering something Jacob couldn't hear and also didn't want to hear. He stretched out his hand and touched Alberich's shoulder ever so slightly,

'Alberich, Alberich, let go, come back. We need you.'

But Alberich shook his head and his eyes reflected painful horror and sadness. Jacob concentrated even more on the sunny memories with Queen Maeve. His inner mind started pleading with Maeve in his memories to help him. "We need Alberich, whatever his thoughts are doing to him, please help him to let go, we need him. But only he can end his nightmare. Please can you help?"

Jacob reached to Alberich again, but his time he left his hand resting on his shoulder, like he was trying to use his hand as an extension of his mind. Again he spoke softly to Alberich:

'Alberich, let go whatever troubles you, Rupert needs your help, and he and the kingdom will be lost without you.'

This time the reaction was that Alberich started whimpering and slowly released his arms around his legs. He kept rocking back and forth, like he was trying to sooth himself. Jacob still left his hand on Alberich's shoulder and let his thoughts about Queen Maeve flowing through. Jacob mind was now fully linked in with Maeve of the olden days and it was like her voice started speaking to Alberich: "Alberich, my love, let go off your troubles, you didn't let me down and I never stopped loving you. You have go to Rupert now he needs you more than ever. Listen to me. Let go!"

Finally Alberich calmed down, his legs extended and he longer was shaking and whimpering. Jacob now took his hand and slowly started pulling him up. It took a good while until Alberich was sitting up and he looked totally exhausted. He raised his head towards Jacob, but didn't speak. But his eyes were talking instead. They had cleared now and looked clear and grateful at Jacob. Both of them sat there for a while in total silence. The surroundings had changed now too. It was sunny and balmy again. Alberich drank in the warmth of the air and sound of the birdsong. He got up and started walking quietly down the path towards Rupert, who was now only standing on the other side for the grass meadow. When he reached him, he gave him a big hug and said: 'Love you son, now lead on, I have the feeling we are near the witches tree.' Rupert smiled back, while Jacob had caught up with them too. While they were walking Alberich just turned to Jacob and uttered to him:

'Thank you for saving me again, my loyal friend. I was in such deep despair and unable to get myself out of it. Without your actions, I feared I would have lost myself in this dark place. I am forever in your debt Jacob. And thanks for not letting Rupert know what had happened back there.'

'No need to thank me, I know you would have done the same for me.'

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