Chapter 14 - The Wood Beast

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They soon reached the hazel, elder, black thorn bushes thicket again. Rupert turned to his father now and said:

'Dad, we are now at the outer fringe of ring around the witches' tree. Is there anything we need to consider before entering it, as I don't want to arouse any beast or creatures if I can avoid it?'

Alberich recalled that the girls and Udo had told him before they left: "The old fox foot will keep you save from dark spells and make sure to give the beast the sugar plum cake. They love it and will then actually help you later to find the way back out of the enchanted forest, as long as you still have some plum cake left once you get the elfin wand back." So he answered with confidence:

'I have to fox foot and you better get some of the sugar plum cake ready, just in case.'

Rupert walked over to the food bag and got a big chunk of sugar plum cake out and hid it the pocket of his tunic. Alberich reached into this pocket, retrieved the old fox foot and hung it around his neck. He also asked Jacob to tie them altogether with a long belt so they would not get lost in the underbrush or be unprotected against any attack. Carefully Rupert squeeze himself through a small opening between an elder and hazel bush. He did hold onto the branches to allow his father and Jacob to follow. The next gap was near the ground and they had to crawl through. Once they got up onto their feet again it was impossible to see where to turn next. It was like the bushes were closing in around them. The sun was barely visible now, also it was shining brightly. Alberich instinctively started rubbing the old fox foot and the tangle seem to moving a little away from them. Now they all got that strange feeling they were watched. Jacob started whistling to keep his mind concentrating on positive and light stuff. The last thing they now needed was a dark storm. Even Alberich joined in until Rupert turned around and muttered: 'what are you planning to do, with that level of noise you're surely will wake up the beasts.'

'Or keep it away, as the old stories say that the wood beasts hate nothing more than birdsong' Alberich responded.

'Hmm, that doesn't sound like birdsong but more like whining of an elf child.' Rupert answered.

Neither Alberich nor Jacob wanted to tell Rupert the reason of their sound production. So they kept whistling on. Rupert shook his head and looked for the next spot to get through. He eventually spotted a small slot, just wide enough to get through sideways. So he turned and stepped into the gap only to put his foot on something round. The earth beneath their feet and the bushes around them started to move up and sidewards. Alberich pulled Rupert back and did grasped the old fox foot even tighter. In front of them a huge creature rose up from the ground. The arms and legs covered with the roots of the bushes, old dead leaves and earth. The air was suddenly filled with a foul stench of rotten eggs. The sun was gone, as the head of the creature covered it totally. It looked like a giant dog with a mudding, mange fur and the eyes were yellow and glowing. Then it opened its snout gurgled out: 'Do I smell elven man, do I smell young elven flesh. It has been a century since I last taste fresh meat.' The beast let out an almighty growl and tried to snap at Rupert. Alberich stood in front of this son, protecting him and Jacob with this body.

'If you want meat you have to get through me you ghastly beast.' And he raised the old fox foot up high to the beast. It stopped growling and took a step to the right, like it was trying to get around Alberich to get to Rupert.

'You will not get to him' Alberich roared at It. This time he pressed the old fox foot against the beast's leg and it sank down with a yowl.

'Who are you, elf and what do you want?' It said through its teeth.

Alberich stood up straight and strong in front of the beast and said:

'I am Alberich, the King of the Fairies. I am here to get my elfin wand back and you will not stop me and my party.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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