Chapter #1:

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      Pyre stood on the edge of the sidewalk in San Francisco, holding her foster mother's hand, gripping her pink princess backpack over her shoulder with the other, "Come on Pyre, were already late!" A loud chirping sound blared as the sidewalk light flashed green. Her foster mother, Flo, swiftly walking across the sidewalk pulling Pyre along with her. This was Pyre's first day of preschool.

      They reach the pastel orange shade door on a rusty looking beige-brown building, with a faded off-white sign that reads "Preschool for Gifted Children," and stand there for a few seconds. Pyre knew what it said, but never told her mother she could read, ever since she turned two. She is four now. Flo knew she was different from the moment she was born. Ever since she could pick up a pencil, she knew how to draw. She could draw amazing intricate art that only professional artists could draw, or so she thought.

   Flo guides Pyre through the door, and into the main classroom. A red curly-haired 6 foot tall woman, in her mid-twenties skips up to the two of them. "Good morning my new student, what's your name?" Pyre dropped Flo's hand and hid behind her legs. "Her name is Pyre," Said Flo with a friendly smile. "My name is Ms. P., I will be your new teacher." The cheerful red-haired woman replied with a friendly smile of her own, kneeling and reaching out to Pyre to shake her hand. Pyre takes her hand, and shakes it lightly.
"Here, shall I introduce you to the class?" Asked Ms. P.
"I-I don't know, I guess so... " Stammered Pyre. She said good-bye to her foster mom, Flo kissing Pyre on the forehead. "I'll pick you up when school is done." Ms. P. takes Pyre's hand, and leads her to the centre of the classroom, in the middle of the "U" shape set up of the eight desks. "This is your new classmate, her name is Pyre." "HI PYRE." The class said in unison. Pyre heard whispering from two larger boys in the back row of the "U", but didn't say anything. Pyre sat in the one empty chair on the end, next to a platinum blonde girl with a high ponytail. "My names Gibbet, I heard your names Pyre, what does it mean?"
Pyre replied with a smirk, "don't tell my mom because I don't think she knows, but, it means combustible material used in burning dead bodies. What's yours mean?"
Gibbet replied, "holy, you are definitely my new best friend! Mine means strangulation with a metal wire." That was the moment they became inseparable.

Something seemed off about Ms. P. She had weird twitches and stared really funny. As soon as the day ended, she waited until every child was busy, and she swiftly walked over to the door and locked it. The whole class turned around in horror as Ms. P walked over with a meter stick and an evil grin on her face. "You all are here for a reason, whatever that may be. You each are gifted in someway, and I'm going to benefit off of it. " She went into the back and grabbed 8 sets of handcuffs and chains. "Come here, you little shits." All of them ran and hid underneath the napping mats in a heaping pile. Ms. P. Walked over to the pile of kids under the mats and grabbed one of the larger boys with dark, short, brown hair and a wider face by the ankle and roughly drug him across the carpet, him screaming as he got carpet burn all over his back and legs. Ms. P quickly chained is hands together, chaining him to the long chain she held in her left hand. "WHO'S NEXT?!" She sneered as she grabbed the next larger boy with dirty blonde hair, and a skinny chiseled face from underneath the mats and drug him out by his ankle too. She cuffed his hands together in front of him too, chaining him behind the other terrified boy on the long chain she continued to grip tightly, not letting the boys go. " She continues to drag them all out from underneath the mats one by one until they're all cuffed and chained up in a line. First it was the two larger boys, then Gibbet behind, Pyre, a pitch-black haired timid little girl with an oval-shaped face, followed behind her a shorter, curly-haired boy, then follows the two twin chestnut brown-haired taller identical twins.
This was the start of something horrific.

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