Chapter #4:

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After the children ate until they couldn't fit anymore food anymore, they sat there for a good long while. "Thank you Jipushī." They all said with tired eyes before getting up and going to their beds rubbing their eyes. Several hours later after cleaning up the kitchen, Jipushī sneaks quietly past the bedrooms peering in the boys room first, seeing all the boys with their comforters piled on the floor all snoring away. She peers into the girls bedroom next, seeing the three sleepy girls in a little pile on the floor too snoring away as well. Giggling and closing the doors carefully, she adjusts her shikibuton, easing down onto her futon and drifting into a peaceful sleep.
    Jipushī wakes up to a loud crash sound in the kitchen, "FUCK ARE YOU KIDDING ME GRILLED CHEESE CAN'T BE THAT DIFFICULT!" She hears jolting out of bed running into the kitchen to see what the commotion is. "What has happened, is everyone alright?" She says with worry as she stops in the doorway then begins to laugh hysterically. There sits Gibbet on the floor with a pot on her head, with bread, cheese, and milk everywhere. "I thought I could cook and tried making grilled cheeses but I dunno what happened." "First off, why on earth do you have the milk out for grilled cheese Gibby?" Jipushī laughs picking Gibby up off the floor removing the pot from her head. "I don't know I thought that's how you made grilled cheese." Gibby says shrugging her shoulders. "Let me do it" sighs Jipushī still giggling.
    After breakfast, gathering up the dishes, Jipushī tapping on a glass a couple times with a fork, "Now children, as you all know you are different from everyone else. I'm going to have to keep you in hiding here until you are able to defend yourselves. Those gypsies are powerful beings but you can overpower them if you know how to use your gifts properly, you can defeat them and win. But you don't have to worry about that yet. For now I will home school you all." Jipushī beckons them to follow her, past the bedrooms to the end of the hall to two double doors. "This is the gymnasium and classroom. " On one side of the large room is the classroom and the other side consisted of the gymnasium with multiple machines. "Hey, Gymnasium it's your home." Gibby giggled. "That's not funny Gibbet," Jester rolls his eyes, walking up to the large ebony-wood rectangle, classroom table. "Alrighty children sit sit," Jipushī says waving her hand towards the table, standing at the end of it near the chalkboard with a meter stick. "This is not like normal school. This school is for channeling your inner gifts, preparing you for 'real' school, and learning about the city of Slatra, where you all come from." KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Jipushī, quickly gathering the children, beckoning them to a wall with a huge seven foot tall painting, pushing an invisible button over one of the eyes on the portrait causing it tilt at a ninety degree angle, revealing a secret passageway. "Go children go, be very quiet I'll come get you soon." Jipushī whispers guiding the children in then pushing the button again, where the painting slides back down to normal. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! "Coming!" Yells Jipushī quickly walking towards the door, peering through the peephole seeing a smaller build, younger gypsy woman in her mid 20's, with a cyan blue veil covering all of her face but her piercing grey eyes, a matching cyan flowing skirt, and a black lace half long-sleeve shirt revealing her belly. "Fuck, not my sister!" She quietly spits to herself, unlocking all of the locks on the door. "Jippy! Hello!" Her sister squeals hugging her tight. "Hi Yakubi-Gami, what has brought you here?" Jipushī asks hiding the worry in her voice, guiding her into the house and sitting her around the table in the first room. Leaning over the table looking Jipushī in the eyes. "A little Tengu told me that you had the children." "What children?" Jipushī lies. "Don't play dumb with me Jipushī! This isn't a game!" Yakubi-Gami viciously spits. "I honestly don't know what you are talking about. I can even show you." Jipushī says leading Yakubi-Gami by her hand into every main room of the house, revealing no children. Frustrated and confused, "Alright, I believe you, but that doesn't mean anyone else won't, and that you won't be closely watched." Yakubi-Gami gives the main room one last look around and she storms out of the house slamming the door behind her, Jipushī quickly locking all the locks behind her. After waiting a good while to make sure that Yakubi-Gami was gone and she wasn't followed, she swiftly walks to the 7 foot tall painting, pushing the button letting the children out. "What does that long hallway lead to, Jipushī?" Asks Vex with a scared puzzled look on her face. "Here, let me show you, come along children." Jipushī says grabbing a candle and leading them through the secret passageway. Walking for a good ten minutes or so, Perdu asks tiredly, "Are we there yet?" "Almost, Perdu, almost." Walking for another couple minutes, Jipushī stops suddenly turning to the left down the second hallway then a sharp right. There at the end of that short hallway was a huge steel door with a large padlock. Shuffling through her big ring of keys, finally she finds the two right ones, the gold large twisted-shaped lever-type key, and a normal, silver padlock key. Unlocking the padlock and handing it to Necromed, she unlocks the second lock on the door, pulling on the huge steel handle of the door, it creaking open. Switching on a light to reveal a room none of the children have seen before, they walk in jaw-dropped. Twenty feet high, this room contained even more portraits, but of different beings none of them have ever seen before. Walking down this ginormous room pointing to each portrait showing the kids still in aw, "Each of these beings used to walk the Earth many many many years ago, until the first Great War of Slatra took place, where those beings and the gypsies lost terribly to the Army of Yoi Heitai, literally meaning 'good soldiers'. The gypsies and those beings, so infuriated with their defeat, ambushed the Army of Yoi Heitai, beheading every last one. This is why it is so important you all can't be left in the wrong hands, and that it is my duty to take care of you all until you are able to defend yourselves." Nudging Necromed, "ha, she said duty," Fey jokes making all the children giggle. "Enough of the jokes, this is serious business. Your future depends on it."
"How are you going to help us find our gifts?" Vex asks. "You will find it in time, young one. Well that's the history lesson for today, come on kids time to go back to the classroom."
After closing the secret passageway door and leading them back to the classroom, she sets up some simple math equations on the board. "Perdu, what is two plus two?" Jipushī asks pointing to the first question on the board with her meter stick. "Ummmm... Four!" He shouts. "Very good, Perdu! Gibbet, what does this say?" Jipushī asks pointing to the second math equation. "Ummm I don't think you can add G plus P together, Jipushī." Gibby says squinting at the chalkboard puzzled. "That says five plus two, Gibby. You definitely need glasses. Jester, what does the third equation say?" "I'm sorry Jipushī, I can't see it. Too blurry." He says feeling defeated. "You definitely need glasses too. Alright, Necromed and Fey your turn. Repeat the question and the answer." "Six plus three equals nine!" They shout at the same time. "I see some of your gifts are already showing. This is a good sign." Jipushī says to herself. She continues until all the children have completed the board equations. "Okay children, time to wash up for dinner. We've had a long day."
     During the midst of the children stuffing their faces with an absolutely stunning chicken cord-on-bleu dinner with an oriental noodle salad, Pyre asks mid mouthful, "when you left us in that secret passageway for a while, who ended up coming over?" Everyone stops eating for a brief moment, looking over at Jipushī anticipating her answer. Finishing her mouthful of chicken and wiping her mouth on her black,embroidered napkin, "Well, the person who came over was my younger evil sister, Yakubi-Gami, one of the evil gypsies that still are scouring this city looking for you children. If they find you, you will be taken far away to a laboratory where they will keep you there, doing tests and programming you to become robotic monsters so you can help them take over the world. That will be the end of the world as we know it. That's why it's detrimental for you to stay here until I and a friend of mine can train you when you hit a certain age when your powers will be at their strongest. This is why you all can't leave here or they will find you. They have this place on lockdown and have people watching this place like hawks." Jipushī explains then takes a bite of her oriental salad, all the children going back to their food. "You won't let them take us, will you?" Vex asks with concern in her voice. "I will protect you children with all that I've got." Jipushī says reassuringly. "But it's very important to know I can't take care of you forever though. But I will until you are able to defend yourselves. Just don't leave this place alone under any circumstances. I will do your errands for you. " the children nod in unison and continue to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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