Chapter #3:

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      They drove for a good half hour before they finally reached the weird neon city. Gibbet steers into an alley, parking near a sign bright neon pink sign. Pyre exclaims with a bit of a know-it-all attitude, "that reads Tokyo." I don't know what it means but I can read only English. I don't know those other weird letters they aren't English." "Those letters are Japanese." Necromed says confused on how he knows that. Turning off the semi, Gibbet hides the double-barrelled pistol in the waistband of her pants. "Is that really necessary to take that with you, Gibbet?" Pyre asks with a giggle. "What if I need to makeup for Fey killing Ms. P. because I wanted to do it and he ruined it!" She said with a puff, patting her side where the pistol is hidden. All the kids get out of the truck looking around at the foreign people they've never seen before rushing around the neon lights shining in their eyes. A little-frail Japanese woman in a purple dress and an indigo shall draped over her shoulders walks out from a rounded door beside them that they didn't see before, looking at the eight children, she beckons them through the door, "quickly children before they find you." "Who's trying to find us?" Pyre asks with utter confusion, as they all look around in awe at the dimmed pretty string of LED lights hung on the walls and the pretty psychedelic fabric-like vinyl posters nailed to the deteriorating walls. "This place is so pretty, what is it? Do you know why we were taken here?" Asked Necromed looking around the large room. "Come sit, children and I'll explain." The old little Japanese lady beckons the children to eight pillows around a round antique ebony wood coffee table, as if she was waiting for them already. They all take a seat still utterly confused as to what's going on. "I have been waiting for you children for many many many years, way before you all were born. I was in the midst of moving out of this city when I first heard from a group of gypsies talking about how there will be a war and how they needed to be prepared for this. There will be gifted children and they are the key to winning and taking over the world. I decided to stay here and hide, until the time came when you were born and you would be shipped here by one of the gypsy's accomplices. I have come to warn you. You are too young to do anything now, and it will take time to understand what is truly happening. I will be taking care of you until you reach the age that your gifts will peak, and then I will train you." "But what do we do now?" Asked Fey. "For now I need all of your names, so I can get your rooms set up properly. My name is Jipushī, which means gypsy in English. Don't worry I'm not an evil one. As you know already." Jipushī said with a slight giggle. They went in a circle, introducing themselves one after the other. "I'm Pyre." "I'm Gibbet." The twins introduced themselves next, "I'm Necromed." "I'm Fey." The black-haired, oval-faced girl said, "I'm Vex." "I'm Gestaltwandler, but just call me Jester." The larger boy with chestnut brown hair said introducing himself next. "I'm Griswold." The curly-haired boy said matter-of-factly. Then lastly, the other larger boy with dirty blonde hair and the skinny but beautifully chiseled face introduced himself, "I'm Perdu." "Well, it's very nice to finally meet all of you." Says Jipushī with a timid smile. "Now I shall show you your rooms." "We're all sharing rooms?" Asked Perdu with a perverted look on his face, Jester elbowing him in the gut signalling to shut his mouth. "Just one room for the girls and a room for the boys. There are inside locks for privacy reasons. The bathroom is just down the hall at the end." Jipushī says as she moves one of the psychedelic fabric posters out do the way to reveal an ebony wood door that matched the coffee table, with five locks. "One second, children." They wait a good five minutes before all the locks are unlocked and the door is opened. "Come now, it's okay." Jipushī leads the children through the door into the main lobby.
  The main lobby was absolutely stunning. The pastel-lavender walls were covered by the same style of fabric-like vinyl posters but gothic style, containing roses, sugar-skulls, and beautiful portraits of gothic Victorian women and beautiful gypsies. "Why are the walls so different than other Japanese housing?" Shocked at how Jester knew what came out of his own mouth. "Well, long long long ago this very city was ran by gypsies. These women supposedly 'perished', but in reality they went into hiding because of their great defeat in the first war of Slatra." Jipushī exclaimed. "Okay children lets go." She leads them through the main lobby, past the kitchen, to the bathrooms. "There are two separate bathrooms; one for the boys and one for the girls." Jipushī says pointing to each, leading the boys to the boy bathroom, and the girls to the girl's bathroom, then leading them a few feet down the hall to their bedrooms. "I'm going to go make some dinner for us, make yourselves comfortable. Go shower as well. The wardrobes have clothes for each of you, so help yourselves." Jipushī says walking out of the rooms down the hall into the kitchen. The girls go into their bathroom to reveal three separate showers with their names on each. The boy run into theirs revealing five separate showers with their names on them too. After showering up, the girls run into their room super relieved to get out of their tattered clothes, while the boys go do the same. Pyre walks over to her bed with the frame labeled with her name on it, feeling the fabric of the comforter on top. Vex and Gibbet walking over to the wardrobe, open the gothic Victorian doors slowly, revealing three separate sections labeled with each of their names. Gibbet and Vex reach for their sets of outfits, examining them closely with bright, flickering eyes. "Holy, these are perfect!" They both look at each other, squealing in unison. They change, looking themselves up and down in the mirror. Gibbet, wearing a pure white ruffled knee-high nightgown, fitting her perfectly. Spinning a few times to see it flow, looking at herself in aw. It had beautiful pleated ruffles, and a sweetheart neckline, just like she would have worn at home. Gibbet turns to Pyre still feeling the comforter. "You okay Py?" Walking over to Pyre, resting her hand on Pyre's shoulder. "I-I think so... I never had anything like this when I was younger... I few up quite poor."

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