Chapter #2

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Ms. P. lead us out the back door, with a pistol in her hand, holding it up to the first larger boy in the front, "Follow quickly and quietly and don't say a fucking word or I'll blow his brains out." They all wide-eyed, followed her as fast as they could. Ms. P. lead them to the back of a stingy, dirty semi-truck, the company name scratched off. Ms. P. opened the latch of the truck, pointing with the pistol to the pitch-black abyss of the semi. She let down the ramp, and pushed the kids into the back of the truck very hard, all of them falling in a pile on the steel bottom, the buy in the front hitting his head hard off a sticking out screw on the wall, slightly puncturing is eyebrow, leaving him crying and bleeding. Pyre scoots toward him out of the pile and guides him to her lap, with the few feet of leeway she has in front of her. "Are you okay?" She said meekly.
"I-I think so... Am I bleeding?" Pyre grabs her black, cotton, long-sleeve cuff, and wipes the few trickles of blood off of her forehead.
The truck rumbles as it comes to life. The black-haired girl pipes up, "I wonder where she's taking us... I WANNA GO HOME!" All the kids stumble out of the pile sitting in a huddle and cry on each other.
One of the twins goes rummaging in one of the pockets of his grey khakis and pulls out a safety pin, and starts to unlock his cuffs, then he passes the safety pin to his identical twin brother and he does the same. "I didn't wanna bring it out in the classroom because I wasn't sure if she had a weapon." Exclaimed the twin who pulled out the safety pin. They all continue to pass the safety pin around until they are all free from the cuffs, still sitting in the circle. Pyre pipes up, "So that evil woman said we were all here for a reason. How can we find out what those reasons are?" "How are any of us supposed to know?" Asks the curly-haired boy, with a puzzled look on his face.
"We need to think of a way to get out of here, but how? " whispers Gibbet. The twin with the blue shirt getting up, looks around. He slowly walks to the front part of the semi, observing every nook and cranny there is. He comes walking back with a metal pipe he found in his hand. "I have got a plan." His twin with the grey khakis as if knowing the idea without him saying it grabs the chain. "So basically what his plan is, is we're gonna pretend we're still chained up when the semi stops. Ms. P. is going to be armed so don't move and make it look as real as possible. We're going to hide the metal bar behind our backs, sitting back to back in a circle. He's going to handle the rest, so he just needs everyone's cooperation." Everyone looks at him baffled, how did he know what his whole plan was without saying it? They all nod their heads in unison and sit in the circle just as the plan was explained. Now all they have to do is wait.
After several days of waiting and waiting and waiting, malnourished and dehydrated, the truck swerves, then abruptly stops.
The cab door slamming, the kids flinch as they hear Ms. P's heels clicking on the smooth concrete road. "Here she comes!" Whispers the blue-shirted twin whispers. Ms. P. unlatches the semi doors and slides down the ramp. She walks up the ramp slowly, looking at the kids all in a circle, "you guys are so well-behaved for little brats." She jokingly sneers. The kids look outside, seeing pretty neon lights in the distance with large weird-looking buildings. The twin with the grey khakis gives a look to his brother and his brother nods discretely. "I-I don't think the sky is supposed to look like that Ms. P..." She turns around, "what do you mean?"
"NOW, NECROMED NOW! Necromed jumps up and smashes Ms. P in the face with the metal pipe, tripping her onto the steel floor, knocking the pistol out of her hand. Gibbet running over grabs the pistol and points it up to Ms. P.'s skull while Necromed cuffs her hands behind her back. "This gun is mine now, you bitch. " She cocks the hammer back, like exactly knowing what to do with it. "Don't make me use this, speak bitch!" She spits in her face, all the other kids looking at her in shock. "I won't tell you anything. Shoot me!" Gibbet breaks her nose with the butt of the pistol. Ms. P. tries to get up blood pooling out of her nose onto the steel floor of the semi. The twin with the blue t-shirt looks into Ms. P's eyes and twitches his head to the left. She starts to seize choking on her blood from her nose, slowly dying in front of their eyes. "FEY WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Screams Necromed. "HEY! I WANTED TO SHOOT HER YOU TIT!" Gibbet looks at their now dead teacher angrily and stomps her foot. "Th-that wasn't me." Stammered Fey, everyone looking at him with utter confusion and shock. Necromed yelling, "We got to go now! Everyone pile into the cab!" Gibbet and Pyre get into the driver seat, the curly-haired boy on the floor in front of them. Everyone else piling onto the floor on the other side and the passenger seat of the semi. "So how do I work this thing?" Gibbet asks herself. She turns the key the truck roaring to life once more, Pyre grabbing the stick shift with both hands and pushes it into drive. The curly-haired kid pushes on the gas and they head into the weird neon-coloured city, not sure what lies ahead of them. The black-haired girl looks over at Gibbet and Pyre in the driver's seat, "Where the shit nuggets are we going?" She asks. Pyre replies with, "That neon city. Until we can find a way to leave to another place so no one can find us. She was after us so I'm guessing other people are too. For now we go there then find someone who can help us."

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