Chapter 4

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Your POV

I stared at them thinking. 'Should I tell them?' Tim looked at me,"Are you okay?" He asked. I looked at the ground and mumbled,"C-can I tr-trust you?" I asked. They shook their heads. I exhaled deeply and took off my hoody. They continued to watch as I stood up and stretched out my wings. They went wide eyed. "Y-you won't t-t-tell will y-you?" I asked. They shook their heads. My stomach growled and I walked into the kitchen to grab some more waffles. When I came back with my stack of waffles they looked at me, obviously trying to figure out how I was going to eat it all. "W-What? I h-h-have a high m-metab-bolism." (That's right,right?) Tim stood up really fast which made me jump back and my wings flare out. He then looked at me with a serious look and said,"Can I touch them?" A smile crept onto my face and I had to restrain myself from laughing. I calmly put my waffles on the table... and let myself loose "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! IS T-THAT ALL YOU W-WANT-TED TO ASK M-ME?" I laughed. He shook his head and I stood up, as I had fallen onto the floor with laughter. "S-sure," I said calming down from my laughing fit. He started to walk towards me and I outstretched one wing. As soon as his fingers made contact with the feathers he emitted a childish giggle, topped off with a childish wonder in his eyes. Brian came over and did the same thing! They were both so adorable! Then the door opened and in walked the devil's daughter her self... my adoptive mother.

End of chapter 4~

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