On the Helicarrier

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"Hello, sir," Jaylyn said, stopping in front of the man.

    "Hello. I am Nick Fury. Follow me, Power Rangers. We should find a place out of the way to talk. Top secret security," he said.

    As he turned to walk off, Kimberly grabbed Jaylyn's arm.

    "Can we trust him?" she asked.

    "I don't know. However, I don't see any other option. Besides, if he tried to kill us, we'll get him first," Jaylyn muttered.

    They followed Nick to a black limo. He opened the door and let them in first, sitting next to the door when he got in.

    "First, I would like your names," Nick Fury said.

    "I am Jaylyn Forest, leader of the Power Rangers. This is my second-in-command, Jason Scott. Kimberly Hart, Trini Klaw, Billy Cranston, and Zack Taylor," Jaylyn said.

    "I'm Director Nick Fury of SHIELD. SHIELD is a top secret organization that keeps the world safe from world-wide threats. The Avengers are part of my team. I need to start the Avengers Initiative, gather the Avengers first. However, the threat we are facing will require more power. You will be briefed on it all once the Avengers are gathered," the man said.

    "We will join. However, our identities must not be revealed," Jaylyn replied.

    "Very well. Your identities will be kept secret from all except those that need to know it, like myself, Agent Maria Hill, and the other Avengers," Fury compromised.

    "Agreed," Jaylyn told him. "I would like to know the names of the Avengers before we meet them, as we don't know how long it will take for all of them to get with us."

    "Natasha Romanoff or the Black Widow. Tony Stark or Iron Man. Steve Rogers or Captain America. Bruce Banner or the Hulk, but don't say that name to his face. Thor, God of Thunder. And Clint Barton or Hawkeye. However, Barton has been compromised," Fury said.

    Jaylyn nodded. They had stopped in a field, a jet waiting for them. They got out and moved to said jet, grabbing their cases and other things. The back of the jet opened up and admitted the Director and Rangers. They set their bags down and sat in the seats. It wasn't what the Rangers had expected. The jet took off, climbing higher by the second.

    "Forty minutes from base, sir," a pilot said.

    "Good," Fury replied.

    "Where are we going?" Jaylyn asked.

    "To the Helicarrier," he answered simply.

    "I don't like the sound of that," Kimberly muttered.

    "It's perfectly fine. Just don't fall off the edge," Fury assured her. "How old are you all?"

    "I'm sixteen. Jason's almost eighteen. Kimberly's seventeen. Billy's eighteen. Trini's seventeen. Zack's nineteen," Jaylyn said. "How old are the Avengers?"

    "You'll have to ask them yourself when they arrive," Fury told her.

    Thirty minutes later, the jet started to slow down. Jaylyn felt the jet land on a deck, wondering what it was that they were on exactly.

    "Welcome, Power Rangers, to the Helicarrier," Fury announced as the back of the jet opened.

    The teenagers piled out and found themselves on a large aircraft carrier. They found three other people who looked a little out of place. Fury led the Rangers over to the three, stopping not to far away.

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