Stuttgart, Germany

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    The Avengers were ready to go, although Thor wasn't there yet. He was somewhere else that wasn't known to the SHIELD agents. The Rangers were doing just fine on the Helicarrier, although Billy was a little scared to go near the edge.

    Billy and Bruce got along just fine with their scientific minds. Natasha, Jaylyn, Kimberly, and Trini became great friends due to their love of training and fighting. Jason was good friends with Steve, being the more strategical guys of the team. Zack was good friends with Tony, being the more relaxed members of the team. The Rangers were getting along just fine. And then came word on Loki.

    "We got a hit. Stuttgart, Germany," an agent said.

    "Rangers, Cap, you're up," Agent Coulson said.

    "Rangers, armor up," Jaylyn commanded.

    The entire control room fell silent, watching the teenagers. They stood in a circle, their minds connecting in a strange way. Together, their armor appeared on their bodies, the masks up and covering their faces.

    "Alpha 5, look after the Zords," Jaylyn instructed.

    "Yes, ma'am," Alpha 5 said.

    He wandered off, leaving the Rangers in the control room. Jaylyn nodded to her friends and they all walked off, quickly followed by the Avengers.

    "How does this work?" Bruce asked, looking at the armor.

    "After we return, we will let you examine the armor. I'm sure Billy wouldn't mind in the slightest," Jaylyn said.

    "This is very advanced technology," Tony whispered. "What causes the armor to appear?"

    "The Power Coins are the source of the Power Rangers' power. They choose certain people to become the next Power Rangers. In order to get the armor, the team must be connected to each other mentally. Focus on the team and the armor will appear. I got it down on my first try, but the others had some difficulty. It was amusing actually, to see them struggle. Without the armor, you could get badly injured. I was protected from the attacks, but it didn't help me to actually fight them. Alpha 5 had to teach us all to fight. They all had minor injuries after the fights, but I never did. I was the lucky one. Now, who's coming with us?" Jaylyn explained.

    "I'm flying the jet and Steve is going to be accompanying you," Natasha said.

    "Let's go then," Jason said.

    So they all left to one of the jets and hopped in. Natasha took the controls and Steve stood near the back with the Rangers.

    "How long have you guys been the Power Rangers?" Steve asked.

    "About two years," Jaylyn replied. "Everyday we go back to the ship to train. Zack brings the food for lunch."

    "Is your life ever hard to keep it all a secret?"

    "Not really. I live alone in the forest, hence my last name. Jason and the others go to detention school because of something they did. I go there to just because I can and to hang out with my friends. I attend their school, yet no one knows of my live-along situation except my friends. No one suspects a group of stupid teenagers to be the Power Rangers. They probably except someone older," Jaylyn said.

    "What happened to your parents?" Natasha asked.

    "I'm not sure. All I know is that they never wanted me around," Jaylyn replied.    

    She shrugged and sat down, her mask, like all the others', down. They reached their destination and Steve opened the ramp. He looked down at the crowd below, which was kneeling to a man in green and gold armor. Loki.

Stand By Each Other (A Power Rangers/Avengers Story) Book 2(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now