The new guy

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"I'm sorry but.. I just don't like you anymore"

Of Course he would say that... even after being together for over two years he is still able to find another girl to pick up and say "I love you". such simple words but somehow able to change someone life. they can make you feel strong but easily break you when they are filled with lies. I know I'm not anything special trust me I'm told that everyday, but I thought maybe once ... someone could actually be there for me, love and care for me. it was stupid for me to trust him. Trust is stupid overall... guys are just stupid overall. Ughh. I'm never wasting my time with them ever again. ever ... 

"hey Gracie... I've heard you and jack broke up over the holidays . how you doing ?" my best friend Stacey, who loves to gossip and   has always been there for me for as   long as I can remember ,  said as she sat next to me in class. I wasn't  exactly in the right state of mind to talk about that so instead I gave her "the look" which she obviously understood as she stopped talking and walked out the class. maybe I was a bit too harsh but  honestly I just wanted to be alone...

I closed my eyes as I tried to blank out everyone's existence. no one can hurt me if I'm alone.. no words can break me if I cant hear... no glares can scare me if I don't look. things are just better by myself aren't they. 


"now bitch, I don't know 'bout you but when I'm down, food is always the best solution. it will never run away , never let you down and  will never break your heart... and the only  cheesy thing I brought was that little speech so enjoy " she said as she pulled a chair next to me , opening the bag of treats she got from the vending machine.

I looked up and smiled, I seriously don't know what I could do without my best friend. Though i feel like I'm stuck in a dark room alone she is always there to shine light. I just cant find the words to express how important she is to me nor how much I really do love her. she looked back at me with her face full of chocolate " if you aren't gonna eat it I will so hurry up before sir comes" I chuckled and took the bag of treats.

As we finished the last piece of chocolate our teacher , who I don't necessarily like, came in. His same old wrinkled face looked around the classroom, silencing anyone who dared to even mutter whilst he talked.

"Now class, before we get started I would like to introduce a new student, his name is Brandon Philips and I hope you all treat him well. Now Mr Phillips would you care to take a seat?" said Mr Hickman.

The door opened to reveal a timid young guy who wore glasses and some old Sixties "geek" style clothing. He was  around my age and as he walked towards the spare seat next to me, his ultramarine coloured eyes locked contact with mine. Though his outer appearance may suggest he was someone of a weak nature his eyes held a different story. the tension broke as he had tripped over a guys foot in front of me  and his face slammed against the floor, breaking his glasses on impact. the room broke into laughter and Mr Hickman screamed for silence and ordered the guy who had tripped Brandon to the Principle office. The girls started to whisper and quite poorly too as even I , who was like on the other side of the classroom, heard them as they made fun of Brandon of how ugly, stupid and embarrassing he was. It was obvious he could hear it too as he rolled his eyes and tried to get up.

I reached for his hand and asked if he was okay,  no words escaped his mouth but a smirk which made me move in my seat as I quickly helped him up . I turned over to Stacey as I waved my hand to see if she saw the creepy smile he had gave me. she said no and so I decided to leave it and carry on with the lesson which was impossible as he sat right beside me. And even though I did not turn to look at him It felt as if he was staring at me the whole lesson.

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