Childhood Friend

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Friend ship is a strong bond between two or more people... a weak link between them can break it: trust is fallen, memories are sad reminders and lies are risen to the surface. But there can be sunny days after a horrendous storm ; a new path to a new life, a new chapter in a story with one hell of an adventure , tears, broken hearts or even a new love.

At college

"Ughhh I completely forgot... shit!" I turned around to face Kayla as she held her head in her hands.

"... is everything okay ?" I asked as I furrowed my brows

" Nah... I forgot I was meeting up with my friend from primary and I can't be bothered y'know... Plus look here" she proceed to show me a picture out of her bag... I reluctantly leaned over to see, " Ugh just look at him... I was only friends with him cos our parents knew each other.." my eyes widened as I looked at her... how could she say such a mean thing.. but I hesitated to say anything.

" oh my god... I have such a good idea... we're both around the same height... same hair same eye colour... could you go instead of me ?" She pleaded... I moved back slight in my chair..

" this isn't a good idea... "

" of course it is... meet him at the train station okay. Here take this picture, his name is Charlie. He's only staying for a couple of weeks I think so you don't have to do this for long" she smiled... before I could say anything she walked out the room just as the bell went..

"Great .." I signed. I grabbed my bag and proceeded to walk out the door... just arguing with myself as I wondered why I didn't say anything.

I waited at the train station. Myriads  of bodies were bumping and swerving into and around each other. I felt like a bubblehead as I repeatedly looked up and down from the picture in my hands to the faces of the strangers who walked past me. my neck started to ache and it was at this point it clicked... "this was a stupid prank wasn't it.." I rolled my eyes and slapped myself on the forehead.

I turned around and began walking off, annoyed a my stupidity and how gullible I was.

"Kayla is that you?" ugh its that stupid name again... " Kayla wait!" Oh my god.. talking of Kayla I'm gonna have to say something about this stupid prank... I could've been sleeping with a bag of chocolate by myside about now.. but nooo I had to be the nice friend and help her to only get fucking played , "Kayla it's me Charlie"

A strong pair of hands pulled me back, I turned to see a flaxen haired guy who held the darkest set of emerald green eyes. droplets of sweat marked his face as he lifted up his shirt to wipe them away.. revealing a muscular figure underneath. I quickly glanced at the picture in my hand.. they looked so similar yet so different.

"Charlie?" I asked

"yep the one 'n only" he smiled, " You're Kayla right?" he looked a bit confused

"...yep" I smiled back anxiously, his eyes were glued on me as the corners of his lips tugged upwards, revealing a grin.

"You look different.." he said as he walked around me... my body tensed up.. he's gonna find out I'm lying.. how embarrassing would that be... I knew I shouldn't have done this , " You gained a few pounds haven't you" he laughed. I sighed in relief.

"Can't help it, I love my food more than the gym" I shrugged as I laughed in return, hitting his shoulder.

He smiled before walking further into the distance, turning back slightly as he waved his hand " c'mon aren't you going to show me around?"

I rolled my eyes and chased up to him and we both walked out side.

"damn.. I forgot my purse..." I groaned as I turned to look at Charlie, " sorry this means I cant buy us dinner nor do anything fun... well I guess I'm just gonna have to go home then... sorry, bye see ya again" I smiled and quickly turned around to walk off... but..

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